Achieve Brand Continuity in 2020

Are you strug­gling with brand con­ti­nu­ity? Get ready for 2020! 

Achieve Brand Continuity in 2020

To achieve Brand Con­ti­nu­ity in 2020, it will take inten­tion and time. Inten­tion because it’s care­ful­ly thought out, and time because you’ll roll out that plan strate­gi­cal­ly. Both are nec­es­sary to cre­ate a rec­og­niz­able iden­ti­ty in the mar­ket­place. Done right, your audi­ence will begin to con­nect col­ors, images and the copy voice with your business. 

NCD is here to help! We’ve cre­at­ed a path to inten­tion­al brand con­ti­nu­ity in just three steps, and offer a work­book to make it easy to imple­ment it all!  With the new year right around the cor­ner it’s a great time to take a fresh look at your brand as a whole and ask your­self if yours has been as con­sis­tent as it could be. And, if you have a client who needs brand­ing or if you your­self are launch­ing a new prod­uct or ser­vice, the tools we pro­vide will be invalu­able! Let’s get started: 

Achieve brand continuity in 202

1. List Your Branding Goals

Start with a list of spe­cif­ic goals defin­ing what you want to accom­plish. For exam­ple, brand goals can be to raise brand aware­ness, cre­ate sales for a prod­uct or ser­vice or to uti­lize emo­tion­al brand­ing and make that price­less con­nec­tion with your audience.

Let those goals guide you to cre­at­ing con­tent that aligns with them. This applies with­in the con­tent as well. Make sure your visu­als and brand mes­sag­ing are tru­ly in sync, a sur­pris­ing­ly fre­quent over­sight. Then, apply this to every pro­mo­tion­al ele­ment at your dis­pos­al: your social media, blog, web­site, newslet­ter, cards and let­ter­head. Even speak­ing engage­ments and the way you speak and present your­self should be max­i­mized to inten­tion­al­ly cre­ate a con­sis­tent brand. 

2. Prioritize for Brand Continuity

Pri­or­i­tize your goals to focus on what will most help build your audi­ence, up engage­ment, inter­est new clien­tele or increase income.

Don’t try to do EVERYTHING at once. This falls under man­ag­ing time and is key to tru­ly suc­ceed­ing. Base your pri­or­i­ties on what you aim to achieve with­in a cer­tain point in your cal­en­dar year bro­ken into time frames that fit your needs, whether by quar­ter, month, week or day. If a goal is big, break it down into pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary goals, and lad­der your plan to achieve them.

3. Schedule Time to Create Content 

We get it — busi­ness can keep you SO busy, espe­cial­ly at the end of the year, or when you’re focused on client work instead of your own brand. But this is an invest­ment, and the best you can spend on yourself!

Most impor­tant­ly, we rec­om­mend you to set up a ded­i­cat­ed time (a full day, or set hours over a few days) to plan what’s need­ed. You can include tasks, like redo­ing your web­site ban­ners, or deci­sions, like what social media plat­forms mat­ter most and how reg­u­lar­ly to real­is­ti­cal­ly post. Tar­get dates to cre­ate that con­tent, then sched­ule reg­u­lar times in your cal­en­dar to get it done. Respect that like you would if they were client appointments! 

Last­ly, how real­is­ti­cal­ly plan reg­u­lar­ly you can post on social media to put your brand out there is crit­i­cal to your plan. Con­sis­ten­cy counts here too, whether you have a ded­i­cat­ed SM per­son or use a tool like Buffer or Hoot­suite. There­fore it’s one less headache and you can eval­u­ate if con­tent is work­ing syn­er­gis­ti­cal­ly for your brand and goals.

TIP: Always put your poten­tial clients as the hero. Instead of say­ing, “I did X,” instead say. “ We helped this client over­come X, Y and Z pain points they were expe­ri­enc­ing by… ” 

Why recre­ate the wheel when we’ve done all the work for you? Down­load our NCD Brand Con­ti­nu­ity Work­book! Get more inten­tion­al in the new year. Start Q1 2020 strong and achieve brand continuity! 

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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