How to Get Started with Adobe Express: Tutorials for Beginners and Beyond

It’s no secret we love Adobe Express. It is the BEST all-in-one edi­tor that enables any­one to cre­ate stun­ning con­tent quick­ly and easily. 

And we love teach­ing begin­ners and sea­soned pros all about it. Over the years, we 

  • Had the first course on Adobe Express on LinkedIn Learn­ing (back in 2018 when it was known as Adobe Spark)

  • Launched videos on YouTube

  • Made exclu­sive IGTV tuto­ri­als for the Adobe Express team

  • Nicte became an Ambas­sador for Adobe Express 

  • Launched two more cours­es on LinkedIn Learn­ing about Adobe Express

Basi­cal­ly, we go way back with Adobe Express. 

It’s no secret we love Adobe Express. It is the BEST all-in-one editor that enables anyone to create stunning content quickly and easily. But in the last few years, Adobe Express has evolved rapidly. A LOT of new features have made it hard to keep up. We’ve heard that even the most seasoned Adobe Express users felt a little confused when they rolled out a new platform last fall. So we created some adobe express tutorials for beginners and beyond!

How to get Started with Adobe Express: Tutorials for Beginners and Beyond

But in the last few years, Adobe Express has evolved rapid­ly. A LOT of new fea­tures have made it hard to keep up. We’ve heard that even the most sea­soned Adobe Express users felt a lit­tle con­fused when they rolled out a new plat­form last fall. 

So, we decid­ed to go back to our teach­ing roots. Our team has been work­ing hard to com­pile our best begin­ner and more advanced tuto­ri­als on Adobe Express. And we know our audi­ence is busy.  So these aren’t lengthy videos with unnec­es­sary fluff. In about a minute, we will show you how to use a fea­ture, solve a prob­lem, and help you max­i­mize all Adobe Express has to offer. 

To make it easy, we cre­at­ed a whole playlist over on YouTube. We will be adding to it week­ly, so make sure you sub­scribe and share with oth­er busi­ness own­ers who could ben­e­fit from it. We know you will love these Adobe Express tuto­ri­als for begin­ners (and beyond)! 

Check out our new YouTube playlist - its full of Adobe Express tutorials for beginners and beyond.

In the meantime, we pulled some of our most popular  Adobe Express tutorials to get you started.

In this video, we’ll show you a hid­den gem inside Adobe Express: Atten­tion Insight. It’s a third-par­ty add-on that can help you see what areas of your designs will cap­ture the most atten­tion using AI and heat maps. 

You will see the dif­fer­ence it makes when try­ing to A/B test a design and how it can help you use hier­ar­chy to increase retention.

Adobe Express has enabled us to take our con­tent to a glob­al lev­el with their trans­la­tion capa­bil­i­ties. In this video, you will learn how easy it is to trans­late your con­tent up to 45 lan­guages in just a few clicks. 

As users of Adobe Express (since it’s Adobe Post days) we have files that are over 7 years old. We know the chal­lenges you face as we cur­rent­ly don’t have a way to mass delete files in Adobe Express. How­ev­er, in this video we share our favorite hack to mass delet­ing your files! 

If you are tired of wast­ing time search­ing for the stock images you used in Adobe Express to use in more designs, we’ve got the ulti­mate hack for you! In this video, we’ll show you how to use Cre­ative Cloud Libraries to gath­er all your stock images in one place.

Have you ever designed a reel and when you post it, you notice that things get cut off? We have the ulti­mate hack for you! In this video, we reveal our secret over­lay graph­ic that will make it easy to check for safe zones while edit­ing on Adobe Express. And you don’t have to wor­ry about recre­at­ing it because we have includ­ed it for you below.

To down­load your Reels safe zone tem­plate, click on the image above or here. Once you open the file in Adobe Express, click on the three dots at the top right and select dupli­cate file to add it to your own account. 

Adobe Express is an incred­i­ble plat­form and we are so excit­ed to share this care­ful­ly curat­ed playlist with you. With a lit­tle guid­ance, you can be a pro in no time. Be sure to sub­scribe to our YouTube chan­nel to keep up to date and drop us a com­ment on tuto­ri­als you would love to see. 

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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