How to Promote Your Work with Confidence

Is it hard to mar­ket your­self and get results? Do you strug­gle to com­mu­ni­cate your val­ue to a client? Can you say what makes you unique? All are part of pro­mot­ing your work with confidence. 

How to promote your work with confidence

Stand­ing out is SO hard, whether on social media, in your port­fo­lio, try­ing to find that dream client or just get­ting a job! The com­pe­ti­tion and stress added to try­ing to keep up with your nor­mal work­load can real­ly affect you.

How to promote your work with confidence

You’re Not Alone

I relate! I’ve been in the indus­try for 16 years, and have dealt with all those sit­u­a­tions and then some. And I knew I was not alone!  My newest course, How to Pro­mote Your Work with Con­fi­dence shares every­thing I’ve learned from my own tri­al and error. I guide you to find what’s spe­cial about your tal­ent and har­ness that cre­ative edge to pro­mote your­self across the board. By shar­ing all the tools that helped me grow, I hope to spare you some of the stum­bles, and accel­er­ate your progress along your path of success!

Define your cre­ative edge from Defin­ing Your Cre­ative Edge to Pro­mote Your Work by Nicte Cuevas

I real­ly wish I’d had a course like this when I was find­ing my way. Back then, I went on a learn­ing jour­ney, not just to improve my craft as a design­er, but to dis­cov­er and hone process­es like how I worked with a lead, on-board­ed a client or nur­tured rela­tion­ships made on social media –build­ing sev­er­al into clients!

2. Be a Go Getter

I was def­i­nite­ly blessed with men­tors and close friends who encour­aged me all through. But I also had to be a go-get­ter, find­ing the right resources to help me devel­op the strong mind­set and tools that took me to where I am now.

In cre­at­ing this course for LinkedIn Learn­ing, I real­ly want­ed to empow­er my com­mu­ni­ty. While this course speaks to design­ers and illus­tra­tors, any­one who is a cre­ative or want­i­ng to best mar­ket them­selves can ben­e­fit from the prin­ci­ples I teach.

My hope is that in tak­ing this course, you will find your own cre­ative edge and from there, the way to pro­mote your work that’s both nat­ur­al to you and the right fit for your desired clients!

3. Check Out the FREE Segments

With each of my cours­es on LinkedIn, I offer seg­ments you can view for FREE as well as an overview of the entire course con­tent. So don’t wait — come check out Defin­ing Your Cre­ative Edge to Pro­mote Your Work right now!!

PLEASE SHARE: If you know a design­er, illus­tra­tor, cre­ative or mar­keter who is strug­gling, please send this email to them. Let them know that they’re not alone, and that they too can define their own Cre­ative Edge and pro­mote their work with con­fi­dence. Or, use our SM but­tons below and share this blog pos on FBIG, Twitter.

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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