2017 Color Trends That Influence Consumers

We know peo­ple are deeply affect­ed and influ­enced by col­or — both psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly and emo­tion­al­ly. Col­or has mean­ings that come from the past, but also evolve into new ones as trends may shift based on region­al and pop­u­lar cul­ture. Because col­or reg­is­ters with it’s view­er more pro­found­ly than any oth­er ele­ment of brand­ing, the more con­sis­ten­cy with which you use your brand col­or, the more you empow­er and build your brand recognition.

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2017 Color trends that Influence consumers

1. Why Color Matters

Col­or is an often mis­un­der­stood and under­uti­lized ele­ment. Col­or shouldn’t be select­ed just because it’s pret­ty or sole­ly on instinct. It plays a key role in trig­ger­ing a view­ers’ psy­cho­log­i­cal and emo­tion­al response.

Col­or defines per­son­al­i­ty, mood and feel­ing. Con­text is key. For exam­ple, Whole Foods and Star­bucks use green to con­nect their brand per­son­al­i­ty trait about healthy liv­ing. Both brands are very inten­tion­al about their food/product sourc­ing and use this col­or to sup­port it as well as to con­nect that mes­sage with their audi­ence. If they chose to use gray, they would not only lose brand essence BIG time, but pro­found­ly change what they are com­mu­ni­cat­ing, i.e.: healthy liv­ing or eth­i­cal­ly sourced/sustained prod­ucts do not align with a gray color.

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2. Brand Recognition Through Color

We can eas­i­ly rec­og­nize sev­er­al brands based on their col­or. What col­or do you asso­ciate in your minds eye when you think of these well known brands: Tar­get. Girl Scouts. Twit­ter. Sprint. Chances are you saw red, green, blue and yel­low… and when you read this list, did you also find your­self spon­ta­neous­ly “see­ing” the Tar­get, Girl Scouts, Twit­ter or Sprint logos in your mind’s eye?  If so, that was sim­ply from the men­tion of col­or! There could be no more pro­found exam­ple of what we are stay­ing than that right there!

3. Color and Market Trends

Every col­or exudes a cer­tain emo­tion. It’s mean­ing can be influ­enced by mar­ket trends, which reflect cur­rent cul­tur­al shifts. Each year Pan­tone selects a col­or of the year based on these shifts. These col­or trends influ­ence var­i­ous aspects of the mar­ket, from archi­tec­ture, to fash­ion, to graph­ic design, tex­tiles and inte­ri­ors, as well as artists, musi­cians and even food. This year, the 2017 Pan­tone col­or is Green­ery. It’s sym­bol­ic of new begin­nings and con­nects with our grow­ing need to con­nect back with nature or a high­er pur­pose. Green­ery is a fresh yel­low-green shade that sig­nals con­sumers to take a deep breath and feel reinvigorated.

With this col­or trend you will like­ly see:

  • More brands adapt­ing envi­ron­men­tal efforts and may use green tones in their mar­ket­ing to com­mu­ni­cate it
  • Empha­sis on the con­nec­tion we seek with nature
  • Adver­tis­ing that incor­po­rates a “green” mes­sage in some form
  • Rise in pho­tog­ra­phy show­ing peo­ple enjoy­ing the outdoors
  • Peo­ple lead­ing a sus­tain­able life as a need­ed life-style over a trend

Under­stand­ing these trends can help you gath­er some insight, but keep in mind that not all col­or pre­dic­tions will align with your busi­ness and the emo­tion­al con­nec­tion you want to achieve. Know­ing the true pur­pose of your brand and who you are try­ing to reach are crit­i­cal in mak­ing the right col­or selec­tion for your brand.

Per­haps you are a mar­ket­ing man­ag­er, an avid Insta­gramer, a graph­ic design­er, blog­ger or a small busi­ness own­er that REALLY wants to stand out — not just this year, but every year. You may not have the time to research what col­or trends are, what emo­tions they can evoke, which are work­ing or worth imple­ment­ing, make sure you down­load Nicte Cre­ative Design’s Annu­al 2017 Col­or Trends Guide­book.

color palettes, green color palettes, color theory, Pantone colors, Pantone color of the year, green, green color combinations, color ideas, how to select colors for your brand

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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  1. This post is SPOT ON! My hus­band and I were just hav­ing a friend­ly debate over hav­ing more col­or on the home­page of our new site — I hope this helps as a tie-break­er in my favor! 😉

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