Living Coral: A Hue To Liven Up Your Marketing

Pan­tone announced that Liv­ing Coral (PANTONE 16–1546) is the col­or of the year for 2019.

My Annu­al Col­or Trend Guide­book focus­es on how you can make the very best use of it — and it’s yours Free to down­load! In it you’ll find ALL the info and inspi­ra­tion you need about where this years’ col­or fits into your work. Most impor­tant­ly, it’ll help guide your deci­sions as to when and how to use Liv­ing Coral for max­i­mum returns.

Down­load my Free 2019 Annu­al Col­or Guide!

Living coral: A Hue to Liven Up Your Marketing

Because of its bright and light nature, Liv­ing Coral cap­tures atten­tion with­out hit­ting some­one over the head like the recent trend of using neon colors.

We know how far in advance cam­paigns need to be planned, espe­cial­ly for edi­to­ri­als, sports­wear, tourism, and prod­ucts and ser­vices that may be eco-ori­ent­ed, organ­ic or trop­i­cal. Take a look at your/your clients projects for the year and antic­i­pate what they may need by the quar­ter or by the season. 

This hue can be used through­out each sea­son to liv­en up your marketing.

Right Now and Through Spring

Bright­en any of your Snow­bird-indus­try relat­ed social media posts, ads, last-minute fliers, rack cards, etc… Or use it to spruce up exist­ing web­site ban­ners and social media back­grounds to cap­ture atten­tion for those seek­ing warm weath­er vaca­tions: Lodg­ing, activ­i­ties, trans­porta­tion, clothes and beau­ty prod­ucts (this is a won­der­ful col­or for make up, jew­el­ry and cloth­ing lines through sum­mers end). 

All Summer 

Liv­ing Coral can be intro­duced as you plan ahead for tex­tiles, sports­wear and ath­let­ic lines, any­thing surf, swim, beach or yoga relat­ed, gyms, linens, food trucks, table tent­ing for spe­cials or drink menus, sum­mer sale ads and sig­nage, etc…


Liv­ing Coral would real­ly help graph­ics of the usu­al fall leaves, pump­kins, corn stalks and scare­crows stand out, even if added only as a high­light. Perk things up by work­ing it in among the oranges, greens, yel­lows, browns and rusts for Fall bor­der designs, sig­nage, brochures, fliers, social media posts, among others.


While hol­i­day graph­ics always use reds, greens and metallics even in warm weath­er climes, look for cre­ative ways Liv­ing Col­or can be worked in as an accent col­or for added pizazz! 

Perk up win­ter wed­dings — from cloth­ing and acces­sories to invi­ta­tions and sig­nage to decor.

Living Coral: A Hue To Liven Up Your Marketing, Living Coral, Pantone, Pantone Color of the year, color theory, color tips for marketing, color tips for branding, color tips, color infographic

While Liv­ing Coral is a fea­tured col­or this year, its best to under­stand the feel­ings it can evoke to be sure your use isn’t sole­ly because it’s bright, new and pret­ty. Make sure it works with your mes­sage and for the audi­ence you are tar­get­ing. My col­or guide is sub­stan­tial, pair­ing the col­ors’ poten­tial uses to inspire you with the back­ground you need to know to make impact­ful design choic­es: it’s use through his­to­ry, it’s poten­tial cul­tur­al mean­ings and what feeling/moods it evokes.

So! What are you wait­ing for? Click to down­load your own 2019 Annu­al Col­or Guide­book — Free!!

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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