Pantone’s Classic Blue Can Comfort Your Audience

Pantone’s Clas­sic Blue for 2020 is an all-pur­pose hue that can com­fort your brand’s audi­ence in these tur­bu­lent times.

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There is far more to col­or than meets the eye – lit­er­al­ly! You may think: We all have our favorite hues, but col­or can’t real­ly be that strong an influ­ence as my logo or my tag line or catch phrase…

But actu­al­ly, it is.

It’s proven that we respond emo­tion­al­ly to col­or before copy, and have since infan­cy! And while every brand and mar­ket­ing sit­u­a­tion varies, under­stand­ing and uti­liz­ing the deep­er influ­ence of col­or can give your con­tent a big advan­tage in today’s marketplace.

Pantone’s Classic blue can comfort your audience

1. Color Evokes Emotion 

You might think it’s basic. Some col­ors, like neons, clear­ly excite a view­er, while oth­ers, like greens and blues, tend to bring calm, and are typ­i­cal­ly used where peo­ple often feel anx­ious— like hos­pi­tals. And you’d be right… but just skat­ing the surface.

There are sev­er­al deep­er fac­tors that affect how we respond to col­or. Under­stand­ing them will allow you to lever­age them to forge pos­i­tive and mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions with your cus­tomers. And now is a par­tic­u­lar­ly fer­tile time to do so. Because there is a true need to bring trust, authen­tic­i­ty and sta­bil­i­ty through your brand, prod­ucts and services.

People’s worlds have been turned upside down in almost every sin­gle way: health, econ­o­my, edu­ca­tion, ecol­o­gy, child and elder care to name a few! As peo­ple strug­gle to right them­selves, their home and work rou­tines, fam­i­ly, and social lives, it’s nat­u­ral­ly brought about some fear, anx­i­ety and uncertainty.

Oppor­tu­ni­ties to uti­lize col­or to com­fort your brand audi­ence are many, from brand­ing and rebrand­ing, cre­at­ing or updat­ing your web­site, social media con­tent, pub­li­ca­tions or ad cam­paigns, to prod­uct pack­ag­ing, uni­forms, and office or store décor!

So is there a col­or that might uni­ver­sal­ly help elic­it calm, opti­mism, and ground­ing? Yes. One is Clas­sic Blue, a col­or that typ­i­cal­ly appeals to every­one. Watch the video below from my LinkedIn Learn­ing course Col­or Trends to learn the emo­tion­al trig­gers Clas­sic Blue communicates.

2. Consider Pantone’s Classic Blue 2020

While there are innu­mer­able ver­sions of blue, Pantone’s Clas­sic Blue is the bulls­eye – right in the mid­dle of blues, between every­thing dark­er and every­thing lighter, and has a broad appeal. Nei­ther extreme nor sub­tle, it gets atten­tion while hav­ing a ground­ing effect.

Authen­tic. Depend­able. Inclu­sive. Sta­ble. What won­der­ful qual­i­ties to uti­lize as you reach out to com­fort your brand’s audi­ence in this roller­coast­er year of change across the globe!

3. Comfort Makes The Connection

Now that you know the deep­er mean­ings of Clas­sic Blue, you can use it to cre­ate that tie with your audi­ence. Peo­ple are con­nect­ing to brands through emo­tion and are hun­gry for ground­ing, fair­ness and bright spots. They’re look­ing for ways to trust prod­ucts and ser­vices, solve these sud­den new chal­lenges, and move for­ward feel­ing safe and capa­ble. Prop­er use of col­or is a pow­er­ful ally to dri­ve those good feel­ings. Bring­ing com­fort to your audi­ence will result in true con­nec­tion, and that is a recipe for their inter­est, sales and their price­less loyalty.

Watch my full Col­or Trends course on LinkedIn Learn­ing, which you can now do for FREE as it’s being fea­tured by LinkedIn Learn­ing to be in their top ten courses!

And down­load my 2020 Col­or Trends Guide­book on Pantone’s 2020 Col­or of the Year: Clas­sic Blue!

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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