12 Ampersands That Make You Stand Out

Amper­sands are com­mon­ly used to replace “and” in names and phras­es. When it comes to design, these can cer­tain­ly help cre­ate an added aes­thet­ic that will make a brand stand out. Per­haps you are look­ing to cre­ate stun­ning designs using unique amper­sands. Or even con­sid­er­ing it for your tagline or logo­type. Either way, this list of 12 FREE amper­sands will make you stand out!

12 ampersands that make you stand out

One of the most com­mon uses for these is on busi­ness names. Brands like H&M, H&R Block, A&E, at&t, Dolce & Gab­bana, A & W Root Beer, M&M’s, and Ben & Jerry’s have made great use of the amper­sand in their names. Each of these com­pa­nies have a unique approach to the amper­sand they use. Some use the same font as the brand name (logo­type), while oth­ers use a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent font for the amper­sand. The style for these all depends on the empha­sis the brand wants to cre­ate with the ampersand.

Using an amper­sand can pro­vide added benefits—aside from aes­thet­ics. If a brand name is slight­ly long, using an amper­sand will help short­en the length of the logo­type. This means you don’t sac­ri­fice leg­i­bil­i­ty for size—especially for web and dig­i­tal media.

These 12 amper­sands can be used as an ele­ment to your head­lines, book cov­ers, dig­i­tal media, posters and more. All of these fonts came from Google Fonts, and you can search them by the name in the exam­ples below.

Now before you use these, make sure to read that there are no lim­i­ta­tions on the license. Some fonts don’t allow you to use them on logos or mer­chan­dise. If you end up using these fonts for more than the amper­sands, be care­ful. Some of these fonts cause seri­ous leg­i­bil­i­ty issues when you use them for para­graphs of text. Our focus here, was to pro­vide amper­sands that made you stand out.

Want to down­load the info­graph­ic that fea­tures all 12 amper­sands? Check out our Pin­ter­est board or down­load the graphic. 

Have any oth­er favorite amper­sands? We’d love to hear in the com­ments below.

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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