Happy World Sea Turtle Day

In cel­e­bra­tion of today and our pas­sion for con­ser­va­tion, we unveil this aware­ness poster. Arti­fi­cial beach light­ing is one of the many issues that harm the sur­vival rate of sea tur­tles. Both nest­ing sea tur­tles and their hatch­lings face issues caused by these lights.

June 16 is the world sea turtle day!

Every year, sea tur­tles make the long jour­ney to shore in search of a the right spot to lay their eggs. Due to the increase in tourism more hotels, con­dos and hous­es are built by the beach. Today, sea tur­tles face far more chal­lenges when nest­ing. The lights around these devel­oped areas dis­cour­age females from nest­ing. And when a female makes sev­er­al attempts to lay her eggs and has no suc­cess, she may place her eggs in less then ide­al areas or even the ocean. The sur­vival for them in that area is slim—little to none!

The next ones to face the light­ing chal­lenge are the hatch­lings. Sci­en­tists have con­clud­ed that hatch­lings use their instincts to find the ocean. That means fol­low­ing the bright­est light, which hap­pens to be the moon. But  arti­fi­cial lights placed near the shore line make hatch­lings dis­ori­ent­ed. Some may wan­der inland, get run over, die of dehy­dra­tion or pre­da­tion. They become so dis­ori­ent­ed that they nev­er make it to the sea.

For more infor­ma­tion vis­it: Pana­ma City Beach Tur­tle Watch or Sea Tur­tle Conservancy

Nest exca­va­tion. Orga­ni­za­tions with a stand­ing per­mit can exca­vate nests to col­lect data. Some­times you will find “strag­glers” that are lat­er released back into the sea.

How you can make a difference too:

If you live by the beach or know some­one that does, let them know about this issue. Encour­age oth­ers to install Tur­tle Safe Light­ing or use blinds and cur­tains to block the light fac­ing the beach.

When you find dis­ori­ent­ed hatch­lings call your local tur­tle watch orga­ni­za­tion or law enforce­ment. They will know what to do. Keep a close eye on the baby but avoid pick­ing it up. There is a hefty fine if you don’t have a per­mit. If it’s a life or death sit­u­a­tion, ask law enforcement.

Vol­un­teer at your local tur­tle watch orga­ni­za­tion. This is an excel­lent way to help raise sea tur­tle sur­vival rate. Above all, you can help spread the word about the impor­tance of their conservation.

If you would like to get a print­able ver­sion and you are a non-prof­it or a mem­ber of a tur­tle watch orga­ni­za­tion send us an email with your infor­ma­tion and we can send you a ver­sion that includes your web­site link.

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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