Advance Your Brand Message


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Advance Your Brand Message


The Advance Your Brand Message Workbook is an easy-to-follow guide that will help you define — or redefine — a brand message with purpose and clarity. We’ll take you through communication strategies we’ve implemented for decades, prompting you to reflect on who and where you’ve been as a brand and, most importantly, who and where you are today as a brand. At the end, you’ll have the clarity and insight needed to evolve your brand strategically, for the long haul.

**Your purchase is for a Single User License Agreement** This license provides access to all the downloadable resources included with this Advance Your Brand Message Workbook and can only be viewed and used by one person. A Single User License does not allow any part of this product/workbook, or its materials, to be shared with another person. If you are interested in purchasing a group license (e.g. for your team) or have questions about this licensing agreement, please email

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  • 54 pages in 1 easy download
  • 21 cus­tomiz­able work­sheets with prompts, exer­cis­es, and quick-ref­er­ence checklists 
  • Fol­low-up guid­ance on how to suc­cess­ful­ly imple­ment new changes with your audi­ence and team
  • BONUS: Email sig­na­ture guide with a free, easy-to-use design resource that does­n’t require coding
  • BONUS: (17 page) Exclu­sive Keynote tem­plate down­load (emailed) that you can cus­tomize as your strat­e­gy doc­u­ment, to ensure you update your new brand mes­sage across the board and keep your team in sync with brand guidelines

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