Defining Your Creative Edge to Promote Your Work


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Defining Your Creative Edge to Promote Your Work

As a design­er or illus­tra­tor, visu­al­ly express­ing ideas and con­cepts comes nat­u­ral­ly to you. But some of the more prac­ti­cal aspects of launch­ing a design business—marketing, net­work­ing, post­ing on social media, defin­ing your brand, know­ing how pro­mote your work, and so on—can pose a chal­lenge. Instruc­tor Nicte Cuevas, her­self a suc­cess­ful design­er and brand strate­gist, has spent years devel­op­ing strate­gies for con­nect­ing graph­ic design work with audi­ences and leav­ing a last­ing impres­sion. In this course, she shares her knowl­edge with you. Learn pow­er­ful tools and prac­tices that can help you elim­i­nate doubt, define your unique cre­ative edge, devel­op a brand that’s true to you, and grow and nur­ture a com­mu­ni­ty of clients.

Top­ics include:
Hot to pro­mote your work with confidence
Lever­ag­ing your uniqueness
Using sto­ry­telling to build your brand
Mar­ket­ing your work
Build­ing web­sites, blogs, and email lists
Strate­gi­cal­ly using social media
Build­ing a community
Nur­tur­ing your clients
Ask­ing for feedback

4 Work­books Included:
Defin­ing Your Why
Deter­mine Your Ide­al Client
Plan Before You Start
90 Day Plan