5 common design mistakes on social media

While your copy may be very valu­able, humans will be attract­ed to visu­als first. If their inter­est is peaked, they will want to know more.

How­ev­er, you may be los­ing poten­tial cus­tomers because your visu­als con­fused them. And that’s not help­ful when you ded­i­cate so much time to gen­er­at­ing the con­tent! There is hope though. You CAN improve your visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion by avoid­ing these 5 com­mon design mis­takes on social media. Pin, share or print the info­graph­ic below to have a valu­able reminder.

5 Common design mistakes on social media

1. Hierarchy 

When cre­at­ing your social media graph­ics, con­sid­er includ­ing only the most impor­tant copy. You want to guide your view­ers with the copy you want them to read first, sec­ond, and so on. To achieve this, use dif­fer­ent text sizes. But don’t over do it.

2. Font Craze

This is one of the most com­mon and mis­takes! If your copy men­tions the impor­tance of orga­ni­za­tion, strat­e­gy, clar­i­ty, struc­ture… and so on, you must back it up with visu­als. Oth­er­wise you send a mixed mes­sage. Stick to 3 or less fonts. You can learn more about that on our typog­ra­phy tips for mar­ket­ing post.

3. Line length 

A long and incon­sis­tent line length in your text will hin­der your mes­sage. The con­stant skip­ping from one long line to a short­er line makes it con­fus­ing to the eye. A more bal­anced line length, often called a rag (in design terms) will cre­ate a far more pleas­ant read­ing experience.

4. Widows 

A wid­ow occurs when a para­graph ends with a line of text that is less than 7 char­ac­ters long. This abrupt stop can dis­turb the read­ing flow of your content.

5. Rivers 

When you for­mat your para­graph to jus­ti­fy your text, you can end up with big, white spaces between your words. These are visu­al­ly dis­rup­tive and inter­rupt the read­ing flow. To fix this, short­en or extend the length of the para­graph. You can even change the para­graph to align left or right.

Now that you know these 5 com­mon design mis­takes made on social media, your con­tent is set to stand out and have high­er chances of engage­ment. Be sure to PIN or save this page as a handy tool for the future.

5 most common design mistakes on social media

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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