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The Ambassabull Project logo
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The Ambassabull Project (T.A.P.) was founded by Stacey Lea a woman with a heart of gold and love for Bully breeds.
The Ambassabull Project is supported by responsible owners educating the Houston, Texas community on Bully breeds & responsible ownership. In addition, they assist neighbors in keeping their dogs home, healthy and trained.
The design was created in honor of Sable, one of Stacey’s loved companions that had passed away. It was incredibly important for us to capture the essence of Sable and the mission of T.A.P. Paws and hearts work together to make this organization shine, so we added elements to reflect that.
The colors chosen add a deeper significance: purple for honor and gold for warmth—the type of warmth that fills your heart with joy and positivity. After all, T.A.P. is on a mission to tap into more hearts and keep making a pawtastic difference.
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Stacey Lea, The Ambassabull Project