Rebranding is an exciting and often necessary step in your progress… but do you really need it? Here are 5 questions to ask before rebranding to help you answer that for yourself.

There’s several factors to consider before you decide to make the investment in rebranding. The most important one is to understand why you want to rebrand. Asking yourself specific questions can reveal if you are ready or if you just need to redirect your marketing focus.
5 Questions to ask before rebranding
1. Has there been a change in your mission, products or services?
If your brand has shifted its core mission, products or services, then a rebrand is definitely something to consider. We’ve also found that a rebrand can be necessary when there is a new board or leadership, or a merger is in the works.
2. Do you need a brand overhaul or a mid-sized shift ?
Before you start looking for who to hire for a rebrand, see if you can make modifications to what you have. Sometimes just shifting your brand messaging can have a powerful impact and re-engage your audience. Perhaps you’ll invest in getting a new set of branded photos. Even something like choosing a different font can help your brand. Dig deep and explore what you can do in the meantime.
3. Are you feeling your brand isn’t trendy enough?
It’s so easy for us to fall into comparing, looking at other brands, thinking ours isn’t good enough– or that another brand looks better than ours because it’s trendy. Being aware of trends is helpful to gain insight on what strategies to implement with your marketing, but you should never base any element of your brand on a trend. The day that trend becomes overused, you’ll no longer stand out in the market. A brand is about how you want others to connect and feel, not about being trendy!
4. Are you bored with your brand identity?
Yikes! If you’re not excited about your brand and visuals, or catch yourself constantly making changes, that means you haven’t defined a true identity to align with it. Here it would make sense to hire a professional to help create a brand you are proud to share and maintain. Make sure they take the time to understand your mission and how you want your audience to connect with your products or services. Remember, your brand should not be created to be a pretty design. Otherwise, you will find yourself losing money and rebranding again in the near future.
5. Was this your first design DIY?
Most of us had limited resources when we started a business. We made things work, budgeting for the important things and utilizing DIY where possible. Fast forward: your hard work paid off, your brand has grown, and you realize that what you have doesn’t excite you or align with the professional level your brand deserves.
Now that you’ve answered these questions, you likely have a much better idea of what you need to do. Bottom line: If the essence of your brand no longer aligns with your vision, you should explore taking the next steps toward rebranding.
Now there’s one more exercise to do that will prove invaluable: make a list of how your brand has shifted from its old perspective to the new one. Also, define why rebranding makes sense and work out how you will explain the transition to your audience. This is the key to redefining your brand so it not only resonates with your mission, but connects with your audience as well!
If you find yourself interested in rebranding, we’re here to help! Contact us, and together let’s take your brand to the next level… and beyond!