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Center for Life Sciences Technology collateral

Center for Life Sciences Technology collateral design. Designed by Nicte Creative Design.

Center for Life Sciences Technology collateral design. Designed by Nicte Creative Design.


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A vari­ety of print col­lat­er­al was designed to pro­mote the Cen­ter for Life Sci­ences Tech­nol­o­gy (C.L.I.S.T) at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hous­ton. The design ele­ments mim­ic the struc­ture of tech­nol­o­gy along with the cells of biol­o­gy, thus a struc­tured grid lay­out was imple­ment­ed along with dia­grams in shapes of “cells”. The col­lat­er­al includ­ed a stan­dards guide, poster, brochure and pow­er point templates.

CLIENTDesigned while at Minor Design
PROJECT COMPONENTS: Brochure and mailer/poster

