Peach Fuzz: A Peachy Approach to Color in 2024

The new 2024 Pan­tone of the Year has been released and the flood­gates of opin­ions of this hue have been unleashed. Some love it, some don’t, and that is to be expect­ed! Not every­one will like what they see regard­ing col­or trends. Plus, a lot can play into how we per­ceive col­or — psy­chol­o­gy, cul­ture, and per­son­al pref­er­ences all play a part. 

Pantone's Color of the Year - Peach Fuzz

Peach Fuzz: A Peachy Approach to Color in 2024

When look­ing into how we want­ed to intro­duce this col­or, we just couldn’t stop think­ing about Bows­er him­self, aka Jack Black. He had us singing peach­es, peach­es, peach­es non-stop. But aside from the catchy song, and being able to see the soft-side of Bows­er, the music video shows how Peach can enhance the way reds and greens look on the screen. 

You may not be feel­ing peachy about this hue, but we can guar­an­tee now that you are aware of it, you will spot it in your sur­round­ings more and more.

Who Predicts These Trends

Before we get fur­ther, we need to address the mat­ter of trends as it’s a con­tro­ver­sial top­ic every year. Con­trary to pop­u­lar belief, Pan­tone, Behr, Sher­win Williams, Ben­jamin Moore, and oth­ers don’t just select col­ors out of thin air. 

Trends in col­or are con­stant­ly evolv­ing based on glob­al impact, socio-eco­nom­ic impact, econ­o­my, con­sumer behav­iors, envi­ron­ment, and oth­er fac­tors. These influ­ence the macro trends ana­lyzed two years in advance, over months of research and with a team of glob­al experts. Each com­pa­ny will select a unique hue based on their analy­sis of trends, their audi­ence, and their pre­dic­tions. This is why you don’t see all of these com­pa­nies share the same col­or of the year. 

What like­ly led to this choice? We have been feel­ing so exhaust­ed and burnt out that our men­tal health has been impact­ed, and nat­u­ral­ly, we are seek­ing ways to find a sense of care and comfort. 

How Peach Fuzz Influences Our Emotions

Peach may not be for every­one, but it can be the right hue for the right audi­ence seek­ing com­fort and calm­ness. While it ref­er­ences the fruit, its col­or is lighter than the oranges we see on most peach­es, influ­enc­ing how this col­or is perceived. 

Brands have used the psy­chol­o­gy behind col­ors for years as they under­stand how spe­cif­ic hues are linked with cer­tain emo­tions. Our emo­tions can influ­ence the per­cep­tion of a brand, increase recog­ni­tion, and even sway our pur­chas­ing habits. 

Here are key emo­tions Peach Fuzz might evoke:

  • Warmth

  • Com­fort

  • Calm­ness

  • Nur­tur­ing

  • Tac­til­i­ty

The Ancient Connections 

Today, Peach Fuzz can be seen as a hue that appeals to men and women, but ancient Romans con­nect­ed it to Venus, which was linked to fer­til­i­ty and desire due to its phal­lic shape. The asso­ci­a­tion of the col­or peach also became close­ly con­nect­ed to the fruit and its nutrition.

Image with Pantone's Color of the Year - Peach Fuzz.

In Chi­na, peach­es were seen as a pro­tec­tion against evil and linked to eter­nal life. These were often depict­ed in folk art, mythol­o­gy, tra­di­tions, and reli­gion. Peach­es were so revered that there are depic­tions of Bud­dha from Chi­na in the 10th cen­tu­ry where he was seen hold­ing a peach. Today, peach­es are still seen as a sym­bol of longevi­ty and are often served to the elder­ly on their birthdays. 

Image is a small gold Buddah holding a peach. The Pantone Color of the Year, Peach Fuzz, has ancient connections.

Image cour­tesy of the Met. Title: Bud­dhist dis­ci­ple, or luo­han, hold­ing a peach Peri­od: Qing dynasty (1644–1911) Date: 17th cen­tu­ry, China

Peach Fuzz in Marketing and Branding 

As a new col­or of the year is announced, the appli­ca­tions and rel­e­van­cy will shift with­in indus­tries. Hues like Peach Fuzz, align with spe­cif­ic under­ly­ing emo­tions that may lim­it its use in broad­er industries. 

Areas you might see Peach Fuzz in:

  • Beau­ty products
  • Fash­ion industry/apparel
  • Home & interiors
  • Bak­eries, dessert, and sweets shops 
  • Wed­dings

A collage of branding and marketing images in the Pantone Color of the Year - Peach Fuzz.

Peach Fuzz is a great fit for brands that focus on well-being, seren­i­ty, and calm. It could open oppor­tu­ni­ties for Spa’s, Yoga or Pilates stu­dios. And per­haps even tea or nat­ur­al juice brands focus­ing on feed­ing your body and soul. 

We might also see the influ­ence of  Peach Fuzz in tiles, tex­tiles, and illus­tra­tion pat­terns. They become state­ment pieces with­in their envi­ron­ment while still cre­at­ing a sense of calm. 

We might also see the influence of  Peach Fuzz in tiles, textiles, and illustration patterns like this image depicts.
We might also see the influence of  Peach Fuzz in tiles, textiles, and illustration patterns like this image depicts.

Unlike past col­ors of the year, Peach Fuzz pro­vides a height­ened sense of tactility.

Best Practices for Using Peach Fuzz 

Our rela­tion to col­or is always influ­enced by emo­tion — whether it’s at a sub­con­scious or con­scious lev­el. The effec­tive­ness of Peach Fuzz, like any oth­er col­or, relies heav­i­ly on its appli­ca­tion. Col­or strat­e­gy must con­sid­er not only the hue but also how it pairs with oth­er col­ors and ele­ments with­in a design. 

Peach Fuzz as a sin­gle col­or, could feel one-dimen­sion­al when applied to illus­tra­tions and print— depend­ing on your con­text. How and what you pair Peach Fuzz with oth­er col­ors can enhance its ener­gy and make it more inviting.

Here are some things to consider when using Peach Fuzz:

  • Your col­or com­bi­na­tions can dras­ti­cal­ly change the mean­ing. Always con­sid­er what the oth­er col­ors mean when pair­ing these togeth­er. Pair­ing Peach Fuzz with high-chro­ma greens could appeal to a refresh­ing mood that still con­nects to nature and feels regenerative.

  • While our world is seek­ing a sense of calm amid hate, tur­moil, and chaos, not all con­sumers will feel con­nect­ed to this hue. It can feel too soft for some. Per­son­al pref­er­ences towards a col­or are impos­si­ble to con­trol, but how you pair that col­or with your con­text and who it’s meant to be for can make a pro­found difference.

  • Peach Fuzz is a soft hue that will cre­ate acces­si­bil­i­ty issues. Using white or very light-col­ored text with a Peach Fuzz back­ground should be avoid­ed. Make sure you have enough con­trast for acces­si­bil­i­ty pur­pos­es. You can quick­ly check using a free tool such as

An example of how to use Peach Fuzz in images. With no drop shadows on the text, it can be hard to read.
An example of how to use Peach Fuzz in images. Drop shadows on the text improve legibility.

While we don’t always encour­age drop shad­ows on type, in the exam­ples above, you can see how a sub­tle shad­ow can improve leg­i­bil­i­ty when com­par­ing the image on the left ver­sus the right.

We will be updat­ing our pop­u­lar LinkedIn Course: Col­or Trends, very soon with more infor­ma­tion and exam­ples on how you can lever­age Peach Fuzz. 

While Peach Fuzz may not appeal to every­one, when used with­in the right con­text it can have a huge impact. It serves as a reminder that col­or is an essen­tial part of our world, influ­enc­ing our moods, behav­iors, and decisions. 

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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