What are cookies?

Cook­ies are small pieces of data that our web­site – like most web­sites — saves on your com­put­er when you’ve vis­it­ed. Cook­ies allow our web­site to respond to you indi­vid­u­al­ly by gath­er­ing and remem­ber­ing infor­ma­tion about your pref­er­ences. They also pro­vide us with infor­ma­tion about how peo­ple have inter­act­ed with our site so that we can make improve­ments to it. They are not harm­ful to your com­put­er, don’t access infor­ma­tion on your hard dri­ve, and are not used by us to store per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able infor­ma­tion like card details.

How does the Nicte Cre­ative Design web­site use cookies?

We respect our cus­tomers’ pri­va­cy and are open about the cook­ies we use and why. To make use of all the fea­tures of our web­site, it’s impor­tant that your com­put­er or mobile device accepts cook­ies. These are the main ways in which we use cookies:

For the site to work properly
We use cook­ies to keep you logged in to the web­site, to gen­er­ate or retrieve quotes, and to give you access to your insur­ance policy.

To improve the site
We also use cook­ies to track users on the site and under­stand how they are using it. We can then improve the web­site by gath­er­ing infor­ma­tion includ­ing where users go, where they leave the web­site, and which pages are caus­ing problems.

To pro­vide tar­get­ed advertising
Through third par­ties, some cook­ies help pro­vide cus­tomized advertising.

Third par­ty cookies

Oth­er providers, care­ful­ly select­ed by us, may also set cook­ies when you vis­it our site. This is often for ‘remar­ket­ing’ or ‘behav­iour­al adver­tis­ing’, a wide­ly used web tech­nique that tracks the pages you look at and tries to show you rel­e­vant prod­ucts and ser­vices based on your pref­er­ences. You should refer to the cook­ie poli­cies of these sites for more detail about their indi­vid­ual cook­ie approach.

How do I con­trol cookies?

Most inter­net browsers auto­mat­i­cal­ly accept cook­ies. You can usu­al­ly change your cook­ie pref­er­ences via your brows­er ‘pref­er­ences’ or ‘set­tings’ menu, usu­al­ly in a pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty sec­tion. You can choose to block cook­ies here, but this will mean that our site and many oth­ers won’t work prop­er­ly. You can also ask for alerts about cook­ies, see the cook­ies stored on your com­put­er, and choose to remove or block par­tic­u­lar cookies.

By using our web­site, you here­by con­sent to our dis­claimer and agree to its terms.

This site dis­claimer was last updat­ed on May 25, 2018

Should we update, amend or make any changes to this doc­u­ment, those changes will be promi­nent­ly post­ed here.