The best way for peo­ple to see how their busi­ness can ben­e­fit from our prod­ucts is by hear­ing the impact it had on oth­ers. To us, shar­ing your tes­ti­mo­ni­al not only helps oth­ers see the val­ue in their invest­ment, but it also allows us to see how we can improve our expe­ri­ence for our community.

Please fill out the form below. I would be delight­ed if you would leave a video tes­ti­mo­ni­al too! You can email it to us at and as a token of our appre­ci­a­tion, we will email you an exclu­sive dis­count code for your next purchase.

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Before work­ing through the ebook, how well do you feel you knew your audience?
How did empa­thy-think­ing help you fur­ther con­nect with your audience?
How did the Empa­thy Map­ping work­book impact your business?