How to Create Infographics with Adobe Express

Info­graph­ics are a pow­er­ful visu­al ally. Learn­ing how to cre­ate info­graph­ics with Adobe Express (for­mer­ly Adobe Spark Post) is a great invest­ment of your mar­ket­ing time, espe­cial­ly now, as we shift to doing busi­ness online more than ever.


You have valu­able infor­ma­tion to con­vey, but with­out strong visu­al sto­ry­telling, your data can fall flat and leave its mean­ing undi­gest­ed. Graph­ics actu­al­ly enhance people’s abil­i­ty to see pat­terns and trends. So besides being a lot more engag­ing to your audi­ence, Info­graph­ics can actu­al­ly improve cog­ni­tive under­stand­ing of your mes­sage. I’m here to help you har­ness that power!

How to create infographics with adobe Express

Info­graph­ics are an effec­tive tool to engage your audi­ence, com­mu­ni­cate your points clear­ly in con­sum­able bites and be sure they’re absorbed! You may be won­der­ing… okay this sounds great, but how DO you break down com­plex info into easy to read graph­ics — espe­cial­ly if I’m not a graph­ic design­er? Don’t wor­ry, I got you!

In this blog post, I’ll take you through the steps you need to design your own info­graph­ic with Adobe Express:

  • Cus­tomize the right size for your intend­ed use (social media, blog, Pinterest)
  • Choose a background
  • Struc­ture the most impor­tant copy
  • Cre­ate an info­graph­ic footer
  • Search for icons in Spark Post that sup­port your copy
  • Add tex­ture and col­ors to enhance the mes­sage and visu­al appeal

Choose the Right Type of Infographic

Before you get start­ed with a design, you’ll need to select an info­graph­ic that best fits your needs and what you want to com­mu­ni­cate. Here are the most pop­u­lar types and how they help you communicate:

  1. Sta­tis­tic info­graph­ics: Uses visu­als or icons to rep­re­sent the num­bers and data points
  2. Time­line info­graph­ics: Helps relay his­tor­i­cal events, visu­al­ize a project through a dead­line, or break down a process
  3. How-To info­graph­ics: Uses illus­tra­tions or pho­tos to break a process down into intu­itive steps, like Ikea directions!
  4. Process Chart info­graph­ics: Stream­lines copy bites one step at a time, with visu­al sup­port so it’s easy to follow
  5. Com­par­i­son info­graph­ics: Uses an A‑to‑B com­par­i­son mod­el to visu­al­ize comparisons

Hone the Essential Elements

In this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll focus on two of the most com­mon types of info­graph­ics: process info­graph­ics and sta­tis­tic info­graph­ics. For a detailed, step-by-step process, watch my YouTube video above.

Next, let’s pre­pare the ele­ments you need to work with:

  • Set your goal for the Info­graph­ic, so that you can design with intention
  • Think through your most impor­tant points, and list them in order of priority/impact
  • Include your brand col­ors and fonts to main­tain brand consistency

If you need a cre­ative assist or ideas to help nar­row down what you want to do, search for Info­graph­ics and make an inspi­ra­tion board (there’s a lot of great exam­ples on Pin­ter­est!).You can also use Adobe Express’ tem­plates, which are var­ied and always avail­able, but I’m going to teach you from scratch in my video so you know how to do it on your own!

Example One: Process Infographic

When you have a step-by-step process or want to impact­ful­ly illus­trate a project’s time­line, using an info­graph­ic real­ly makes your pri­or­i­ties, top goals, and key turn­ing points vivid and tan­gi­ble to your team. The main pur­pose of a suc­cess­ful process info­graph­ic is to break down the con­tent into easy to read directives.

  • Use num­bers to indi­cate steps and pair them with a sup­port­ing icon
  • Keep your type larg­er and use a font that is easy to read
  • Avoid get­ting wordy with your copy
  • Use col­or to depict spe­cif­ic tasks or com­mu­ni­ca­tion points and include them in a key
  • Make sure all your ele­ments are on-brand
free templates - Ultimate Adobe Spark Resource Page

Example Two: Statistic Infographic

Mak­ing sta­tis­tics inter­est­ing and edu­ca­tion­al will be chal­leng­ing. How­ev­er, when you use the right visu­als to sup­port your data, you can cap­ture the atten­tion of your audi­ence. Here we take a look at a type of sta­tis­tic info­graph­ic that is copy-dri­ven. A sta­tis­tic info­graph­ic like this will suc­cess­ful­ly pique view­er inter­est, keep them look­ing longer, and make a big dif­fer­ence in their cognition!

  • Have a clear and large head­er to cre­ate emphasis
  • Include an intro­duc­tion para­graph to give view­ers addi­tion­al insight
  • Use pho­tographs and icons that relate to your copy
  • Make sure your fonts are leg­i­ble when in small­er sizes
  • Include a call to action in the foot­er design
Adobe Spark Infographic on Arctic species

Let me help you take the chal­lenge out of mak­ing data inter­est­ing in two ways: Watch my video tuto­r­i­al on YouTube and sub­scribe to the chan­nel for more videos on design and brand strat­e­gy to empow­er your brand. And for full pro­fi­cien­cy at cre­at­ing info­graph­ics with Adobe Express, watch my LinkedIn Learn­ing course.

Remem­ber, if you are a LinkedIn Pre­mi­um mem­ber, you can watch it for FREE!

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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