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Amplify your brand and fuel your mission

LinkedIn Learning Courses on Branding
Nicte Cuevas at LinkedIn, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Learning, LinkedIn Author, LinkedIn Instructor, Graphic Designer, Online course for Adobe Spark Post, Course for Adobe Spark Post

The mission behind our courses

Oper­at­ing and expand­ing a busi­ness can be daunt­ing, par­tic­u­lar­ly when faced with lim­it­ed bud­gets and resources. We firm­ly believe in democ­ra­tiz­ing access to effec­tive strate­gies and insights that can help build and grow businesses.

Since 2018, we’ve part­nered with LinkedIn Learn­ing to craft edu­ca­tion­al cours­es to equip busi­ness own­ers, agen­cies, cor­po­ra­tions, cre­atives, and mar­keters with the tools for suc­cess. Our cours­es pro­vide a strate­gic out­look on brand­ing, col­or psy­chol­o­gy, design, and mar­ket­ing.

Our approach dis­tills 20 years of indus­try expe­ri­ence, client inter­ac­tions, speak­ing engage­ments, and train­ing sessions. 

 Course content 

our courses on branding, color and design

2023 Pantone color of the year: Viva Magenta
Color Trends

6 chap­ters

30+ Movies

Pop­u­lar course | Updat­ed annually

Brands are embrac­ing more use of col­or in their cam­paigns, and know­ing how and when to use the newest col­or trends will keep you on top of your design game. Learn how you can use the cur­rent Pan­tone col­or of the year and oth­er home and dig­i­tal col­or trends to engage your audi­ence. Updat­ed every year!

Color and Cultural Connections

5 chap­ters

13 movies

Also avail­able in Span­ish & Portuguese

In this course, you will gain a pow­er­ful per­spec­tive on the rela­tion­ship between col­or and cul­tur­al her­itage, you’ll build a con­nec­tion with com­mu­ni­ties that thrive on cul­tur­al diver­si­ty, and you’ll leave inspired to cre­ate con­scious inclu­sion with­in your com­pa­ny cul­ture and brand.

Nicte working on Brand Strategy & Brand Design
Brand Strategy: Define Your Creative Edge

5 chap­ters

28 movies

Learn pow­er­ful tools and prac­tices that can help you elim­i­nate doubt, define your unique cre­ative edge, devel­op a brand that’s true to you, and grow and nur­ture a com­mu­ni­ty that con­verts into clients.

How to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Brand Communications
Working With Inclusive Images

4 chap­ters

10 Movies

Dis­cov­er brand essen­tial visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion strate­gies to pro­mote diver­si­ty and inclu­sion with your audi­ence. Learn the how to cre­ate an approach with the prac­tice of empa­thy and using inclu­sion to help a diverse audi­ence feel seen, heard and understood.

Learning Adobe Express

5 chap­ters

30 movies

Adobe Express is an easy-to-use graph­ic design soft­ware that empow­ers any­one to cre­ate stun­ning and effec­tive designs—no mat­ter their design expe­ri­ence. In this course, you’ll learn how to quick­ly get start­ed, cus­tomize tem­plates, edit pho­tos, remove back­grounds, set up brands, and how to cre­ate brand­ed tem­plates to save you time and money.

An example of branded content that uses color strategically to boost sales.
Adobe Express: Creating Marketing Materials

3 chap­ters

12 movies

In addi­tion to cov­er­ing the basics—such as how to cre­ate lay­outs, mod­i­fy tem­plates, and use ani­ma­tions Learn how to use visu­als that res­onate with your tar­get audi­ence and work with your con­tent; how to use add-ons to cre­ate engag­ing and acces­si­ble designs; how to cre­ate brand­ed tem­plates that can save you time and mon­ey; and more.

Create Powerful Presentations with Apple Keynote

6 chap­ters

25 Movies

Go beyond the basics of Apple Keynote to cre­ate pre­sen­ta­tions that don’t just deliv­er data, but also tell sto­ries. Learn best prac­tices to remove clut­ter from your slides and focus on visu­al­ly engag­ing con­tent, incor­po­rate cre­ative tran­si­tions and ani­ma­tions to keep your view­ers’ atten­tion, and avoid dis­trac­tions in your presentation.

Using Color to Amplify Your Online Presence

5 chap­ters

13 movies

How you use col­or on your social media feed can have a huge impact. Learn how to lever­age col­or to ampli­fy your online pres­ence, build con­nec­tions with your audi­ence, and boost your sales and brand recognition.

It’s no secret we love Adobe Express. It is the BEST all-in-one editor that enables anyone to create stunning content quickly and easily. But in the last few years, Adobe Express has evolved rapidly. A LOT of new features have made it hard to keep up. We’ve heard that even the most seasoned Adobe Express users felt a little confused when they rolled out a new platform last fall. So we created some adobe express tutorials for beginners and beyond!
Branding With Adobe Express

4 chap­ters

10 movies

Learn how to set up brand kits with your col­ors, fonts, and logos inside Adobe Express. In this course you will also learn how to cre­ate brand­ed tem­plates that save you time, mon­ey, and make you stand out.

 A few of 

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