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Melissa Gilliam Shaw A.K.A MilliGFunk, is a straightforward, honest, writer, that shares her adventures with passion.
The concept behind the brandmark was inspired by the 4 brand dimensions that form MilliGFunk: personality, worldview, way of life, and success. Each of the elements that compose the brand mark, are connected to the brand personality—to which these can all be taken as branded elements to incorporate as a logo type, icon/symbol, or brandmark.
In our research phase we discovered that images that were appealing to Melissa, were often inspired by a combination of curved shapes with straight lines, both creating bold expressions of form. And the common element was found in Moroccan patterns and colors, which inspired the stylization of the icon as well as the color harmony.
The woman’s figure in the icon represents Melissa but it also symbolizes empowered women by the direction of her arms. She is continually exploring and reaching beyond because she is strong and determined. Her feet are symbolic of a pen tip, as Mellisa writes about her travel journey—leaving words as foot prints. Her hands are the tip of an artists pen, where touch is a form of appreciation to the surrounding beauty she finds. This composition also supports her love for travel—the pen tip represents the south and the top stylized paint brush-hand, represents north. Texture was was also added to give it a sense of earth and it also communicates that out of dust, a strong woman will come forth with determination and resilience.
A Moroccan pattern was added to the elements of the brandmark to elevate it to a world-cultural-flair that set the brand apart from the common practices of other brands in the industry.
Brandmark, typographic studies, color harmony influenced by brand dimensions, and pattern.
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