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Melis­sa Gilliam Shaw A.K.A Mil­liG­Funk, is a straight­for­ward, hon­est, writer, that shares her adven­tures with passion.

The con­cept behind the brand­mark was inspired by the 4 brand dimen­sions that form Mil­liG­Funk: per­son­al­i­ty, world­view, way of life, and suc­cess. Each of the ele­ments that com­pose the brand mark, are con­nect­ed to the brand personality—to which these can all be tak­en as brand­ed ele­ments to incor­po­rate as a logo type, icon/symbol, or brandmark.

In our research phase we dis­cov­ered that images that were appeal­ing to Melis­sa, were often inspired by a com­bi­na­tion of curved shapes with straight lines, both cre­at­ing bold expres­sions of form. And the com­mon ele­ment was found in Moroc­can pat­terns and col­ors, which inspired the styl­iza­tion of the icon as well as the col­or harmony.

The woman’s fig­ure in the icon rep­re­sents Melis­sa but it also sym­bol­izes empow­ered women by the direc­tion of her arms. She is con­tin­u­al­ly explor­ing and reach­ing beyond because she is strong and deter­mined. Her feet are sym­bol­ic of a pen tip, as Mel­lisa writes about her trav­el journey—leaving words as foot prints. Her hands are the tip of an artists pen, where touch is a form of appre­ci­a­tion to the sur­round­ing beau­ty she finds. This com­po­si­tion also sup­ports her love for travel—the pen tip rep­re­sents the south and the top styl­ized paint brush-hand, rep­re­sents north. Tex­ture was was also added to give it a sense of earth and it also com­mu­ni­cates that out of dust, a strong woman will come forth with deter­mi­na­tion and resilience.

A Moroc­can pat­tern was added to the ele­ments of the brand­mark to ele­vate it to a world-cul­tur­al-flair that set the brand apart from the com­mon prac­tices of oth­er brands in the industry.


Brand­mark, typo­graph­ic stud­ies, col­or har­mo­ny influ­enced by brand dimen­sions, and pattern.





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Melis­sa Gilliam Shaw




