AHRN Infographics design by Nicte Creative Design


Red Door Group

Project components:

Var­i­ous info­graph­ic designs

Cus­tom illustrations

Icon designs

The Auto­mat­ed Hous­ing Refer­ral Net­work (AHRN) is a web­site where mem­bers of the Unit­ed States Armed Forces can find hous­ing in a new loca­tion as they move and go through a per­ma­nent change of sta­tion.

Red Door Group hired us to help rebrand AHRN as it became pri­va­tized. While the client want­ed to retain the orig­i­nal brand­mark, they need­ed a more approach­able brand to appeal to their younger demo­graph­ic. We designed a vari­ety of brand col­lat­er­al that ele­vat­ed their aes­thet­ic from a stan­dard cor­po­rate look to an approach­able and ener­gized brand.

Our Methodology

Mil­i­tary mem­bers and their fam­i­lies are often over­whelmed with lifestyle chal­lenges. Dur­ing a per­ma­nent change of sta­tion (PCS), they have to get to know an entire­ly new coun­try or city, find schools, hous­ing, fill out unend­ing forms to move, and the list goes on. We under­stand how over­whelm­ing these tran­si­tions are for mil­i­tary mem­bers and their fam­i­lies. Our goal was to cre­ate AHRN info­graph­ic designs that served as a resource and quick visu­al guide for mil­i­tary life needs with­out over­whelm­ing copy.