
Aman­da Cruser


Project components:


Brand strat­e­gy & messaging

Brand arche­types 

Col­or psy­chol­o­gy
Brand guide­lines
Mail­er and advertisements



Rochelle Joseph 


The first step in sell­ing a home is mak­ing sure poten­tial buy­ers feel con­fi­dent and excit­ed about what you have to offer. Buy­ing or sell­ing a home is so much more than a sim­ple mon­ey trans­ac­tion. It’s an emo­tion­al and stress­ful expe­ri­ence. Find­ing the help of a trust­wor­thy real estate agent can be tricky since there are hun­dreds of them. It’s tough com­pe­ti­tion for a real estate agent try­ing to reach their ide­al clients. 

Our goal was to devel­op a cohe­sive brand that allowed Aman­da to reach her ide­al clients and focus on the expe­ri­ence — not mass out­reach or pure mon­e­tary trans­ac­tions as many real­tors do. 

Our Methodology

Hav­ing an authen­tic real estate agent brand­ing is cru­cial for com­pe­ti­tion to sell/buy homes can be fierce. Aman­da’s brand­ing vision was to devel­op her as a per­son­al brand as a high-end Real estate agent. To cre­ate a rela­tion to her ide­al tar­get mar­ket, we devel­oped a brand approach that felt vibrant, authen­tic and sin­cere. We dug deep into the expe­ri­ence of buy­ing or sell­ing a home with her. When you work with Aman­da, it’s like work­ing with fam­i­ly — we want­ed to high­light that through­out her mes­sag­ing. Our goal was to push away from the typ­i­cal real estate agent brand­ing in the mar­ket. Espe­cial­ly, the logos which are over­ly sat­u­rat­ed with red and grey tones.

We con­cep­tu­al­ized a sim­ple, yet unique styl­ized sym­bol for her brand­mark. The styl­ized open roof con­nects to Aman­da’s last name’s ini­tial “C.” We avoid­ed the typ­i­cal house shape for two rea­sons. One: the mar­ket was incred­i­bly sat­u­rat­ed with this design approach, and two: the open house relates to Aman­da’s abil­i­ty to have an open dia­logue with her clients to fit their needs. This would be like the con­cept of a glass half emp­ty. Aman­da’s approach is unique in her way of serv­ing her clients with hon­esty and integri­ty — she won’t sell a house, just to sell a house. And that is reflect­ed across her brand mes­sag­ing and web­site con­tent. We also pro­vid­ed a vari­ety of col­lat­er­al that sup­port­ed cohe­sive­ness in her brand­ing. Allow­ing Aman­da to focus on her clients.