
Bosquez Law Firm

Project components:


Brand strat­e­gy & messaging

Brand iden­ti­ty design

Greet­ing card

Brand guide­lines

Web­site design

Bosquez Law is a law firm that believes in truth, trans­paren­cy and pro­fes­sion­al­ism. Bosquez Law is a cohe­sive, pro­fes­sion­al law firm that takes pride in hon­esty and integri­ty. They believe that truth is inte­gral in their prac­tice — whether through client rep­re­sen­ta­tion or assis­tance with oth­er needs.

The law fir­m’s brand­ing need­ed to con­vey integri­ty, com­fort and ease. They also want­ed it to rep­re­sent up-most pro­fes­sion­al­ism — bring­ing truth into the pro­fes­sion of attor­neys at Bosquez Law with a tagline “Bring­ing Light into the Law.” 

Our Methodology

We cre­at­ed an iden­ti­ty that reflects dif­fer­ent mean­ings such as com­fort, ease, and trust to sup­port their phi­los­o­phy. Each ele­ment keeps the brand promise of “bring­ing light to the law.” Based on our research, sev­er­al law firms incor­po­rat­ed a pure­ly typo­graph­ic logo or used the scales of jus­tice. Our approach for this con­cept explored unique attrib­ut­es that would make Bosquez Law firm brand­ing stand out.

The brand’s col­or palette incor­po­rates a bal­ance of both bright col­ors and dark to cre­ate a har­mo­nious but bold bal­ance, unlike many law firms with a high­ly cor­po­rate aes­thet­ic.

The icon is com­posed of a struc­ture inspired by the capi­tol, yet it incor­po­rates its own qual­i­ties that sup­port the brands’ goal. The archi­tec­ture of the capi­tol build­ing is com­posed of pri­mar­i­ly round­ed shapes and not as many notice­able sharp lines. Our con­cept brings that inspi­ra­tion into the design where we use that to rep­re­sent com­pas­sion and com­fort many clients seek, and the struc­ture appears to be in the dark on one side until Bosquez Law comes in to help.