Dia de Muertos Illustrations and Templates for Adobe Creative Could Express by Nicte Creative Design


Adobe Cre­ative Cloud Express 


Project components:

Illus­tra­tion series

Remix­able tem­plate designs

Cul­tur­al col­or psychology


2019 Amer­i­can Graph­ic Design USA Award

Adobe Cre­ative Cloud Express want­ed to cel­e­brate and hon­or the her­itage behind our Dia de Muer­tos (Day of the Dead) with remix­able tem­plates. They asked us if we could cre­ate tem­plates that incor­po­rat­ed var­i­ous ele­ments con­nect­ed to the Dia de Muer­tos so that their com­mu­ni­ty could use them to remem­ber their loved ones and share across social media. We were hon­ored to cre­ate these Dia de Muer­tos illus­tra­tions and tem­plates and share with Adobe Cre­ative Cloud Express Community! 

Our Methodology

We adore cre­at­ing cul­tur­al designs that cel­e­brate and ampli­fy our rich tra­di­tions as Lati­nos. One of them is the cel­e­bra­tion of Dia De Muer­tos (Day of the Dead).

Our goal was to cre­ate Dia de Muer­tos illus­tra­tions and tem­plates that expressed the cel­e­bra­tion and sym­bol­ism behind Dia de Muer­tos and edu­cat­ed oth­ers on how this hol­i­day isn’t Hal­loween. From the beau­ti­ful Cat­ri­na to the Calav­era mari­achis, marigolds to guide the muer­tos, papel pic­a­do frames, and move­ment through­out, these designs build on a story.