Elevate it Now Brand Refresh graphics and templates by Nicte Creative Design


Ele­vate It Now

Project components:

Brand strat­e­gy

Col­or psychology

Tem­plate designs on Adobe Cre­ative Cloud Express

Social media graphics

Web­site graphics

Cus­tom icons

Ele­vate It Now is an award-win­ning full-ser­vice Mar­ket­ing and Cre­ative Agency and a long-time client. Over the years, we’ve helped them with brand strat­e­gy and rebrand efforts. As our client grew and their brand evolved, they reached out to re-engage with a brand refresh that aligned with their evo­lu­tion and energy.

Our Methodology

Brand cre­ative can’t func­tion with­out a strat­e­gy. Our first step was to have a strat­e­gy ses­sion with our client where we had an overview of their cur­rent brand, growth points, evolved mis­sion, and ser­vices. These ele­ments influ­enced the Ele­vat­ed It Now brand refresh iden­ti­ty that embraced their no non-sense approach to mar­ket­ing.

With over 30 years of mar­ket­ing expe­ri­ence, their founder Mon­i­ca Malavé want­ed a brand expe­ri­ence that reflect­ed her bold yet car­ing approach. The col­or psy­chol­o­gy was an inte­gral part of the Ele­vate It Now brand refresh. So we took a vir­tu­al trip to her moth­er­land, Puer­to Rico, to re-align their brand col­ors to their brand com­mu­ni­ca­tion. This result­ed in using hues that sym­bol­ize trust, wis­dom, con­nec­tiv­i­ty, ener­gy, pos­i­tiv­i­ty, her­itage, com­pas­sion, and joy. And more impor­tant­ly, we helped our client embrace and cel­e­brate her Latin roots with the brand strategy.