Fiesta San Antonio poster design by Nicte Creative Design

Since 1891 San Anto­nio has host­ed a city-wide event called Fies­ta San Anto­nio. This event com­mem­o­rates the Bat­tle of the Alamo and is also known as the Bat­tle of the Flow­ers. It’s a cul­tur­al­ly immer­sive event filled with tra­di­tions, folk­lore, music, food, parades, and riv­er floats.

Our Methodology

The Fies­ta San Anto­nio poster design tells a visu­al sto­ry in cel­e­bra­tion of the San Anto­nio com­mu­ni­ty, its art, music, and cul­ture.

Each illus­tra­tion inside the mil­i­tary mem­ber’s uni­form depicts a sto­ry con­nect­ing to San Anto­nio and Fies­ta his­to­ry. The focal point starts with the mil­i­tary mem­ber salut­ing our icon­ic Alamo to cre­ate a nos­tal­gic jour­ney through the tra­di­tions that have been cre­at­ed by Fies­ta through­out the years. This also inten­tion­al­ly con­nects to San Anto­nio being recent­ly named “Mil­i­tary City.”

To be inclu­sive to all our branch­es of the mil­i­tary, a new styl­ized uni­form “pat­tern” was cre­at­ed using ele­ments from our local his­to­ry. From folk­loric danc­ing, mari­achi music, piñatas, medals, el Rey Feo’s crown, to our local cac­tus plant.

The styl­is­tic approach of the illus­tra­tions pulls inspi­ra­tion from Oto­mi and Ale­bri­je art. The goal was to expose beau­ti­ful cul­tur­al art from Mexico—less com­mon to the intri­cate papel pic­a­do.

The tex­tures along the illus­tra­tions aren’t just meant to add visu­al dimension—they con­nect to us being root­ed and how we have such a diverse cul­ture that can­not be depict­ed as flat sol­id col­ors. Every stroke, shad­ow, lay­er all build on this con­cept. The result was this vibrant Fies­ta San Anto­nio poster design.