Signage for the Panamanian Frogs designed for the Houston Zoo Rebrand


The Hous­ton Zoo 

Project components:

Cus­tom illustrations

Inter­ac­tive sig­nage design 

With over to help the 1.7 mil­lion guests, the Hous­ton Zoo need­ed sig­nage to reflect their rebrand at that time, as well as con­tin­ue to edu­cate their guests. A vari­ety of inter­ac­tive and dig­i­tal signs were cre­at­ed through­out the Hous­ton Zoo to pro­vide guests with oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn more about a species and their glob­al con­ser­va­tion efforts. Some of the signs includ­ed con­tent in Eng­lish and Span­ish. We’ve includ­ed some of the 2K+ signs we cre­at­ed for the Hous­ton Zoo.

Panamanian Frogs Signage

The Hous­ton Zoo part­ners with glob­al orga­ni­za­tions for con­ser­va­tion projects and research that can have a pro­found impact on a species. Inter­ac­tive sig­nage was a cru­cial com­po­nent to our approach to help edu­cate the audi­ence about these glob­al ini­tia­tives and help guests see the impact of the glob­al projects at hand. The Pana­man­ian frogs sig­nage served as pow­er­ful resource to edu­cate guests on how a fun­gus, along with habi­tat loss cre­at­ed dev­as­tat­ing impacts on sev­er­al species, and how the Hous­ton Zoo is tak­ing action.

Monitor Lizards Signage

The her­petol­ogy depart­ment was in a big need for sig­nage that not only reflect­ed the species in this area, it also need­ed to engage the audi­ence with com­pelling infor­ma­tion. Some may not find rep­tiles appeal­ing, but we loved this area! Our ulti­mate goal was to cre­ate sig­nage that not only informed guests but cel­e­brat­ed mon­i­tor lizards for the cool and majes­tic crea­tures they are. Not only did the new sig­nage increase traf­fic flow into the area, the entire her­petol­ogy was thrilled with the signage. 

African Forest & Koolookamba Signage

When the Hous­ton Zoo opened the African For­est wing, new sig­nage was cre­at­ed to fit an explorato­ry expe­ri­ence where guests would nav­i­gate the for­est in search for the Koolookamba—a myth­i­cal crea­ture that was a mix­ture between a chimp and goril­la. The sig­nage includ­ed illus­tra­tions of the crea­ture of what the leg­ends would say it looked like. As the guests trav­eled through this sec­tion, there would be spe­cial signs indi­cat­ing that a Koolookam­ba crea­ture was embed­ded with­in the environment. 

Other Interactive Signage

There were sev­er­al dif­fer­ent inter­ac­tive and infor­ma­tion designs placed through­out the zoo, includ­ing inter­ac­tive jaguar and red pan­da signs, con­ser­va­tion kiosks, bilin­gual kiosks and ani­mal infor­ma­tion signs.