Podcast branding with Lemonade Learning Adobe Spark Social Media templates by Nicte Creative Design


Lemon­ade Learning

Bri­an­na Hodges

Lainie Row­ell

Project components:

Brand­mark sys­tem
Brand style guide
Col­or psy­chol­o­gy
Pat­tern design
Social media tem­plates
YouTube intro video
Pod­cast cov­er art
Web­site design
Cre­ative direction

The Lemon­ade Learn­ing Pod­cast is host­ed by edu­ca­tors Bri­an­na Hodges and Lainie Row­ell. When they kicked off their sec­ond sea­son, they want­ed pod­cast brand­ing that not only reflect­ed their refresh­ing take on edu­ca­tion, it need­ed to stand out from what oth­er pod­casts in the mar­ket were doing. Every ele­ment of the brand iden­ti­ty reflect­ed their fresh­ly squeezed per­spec­tives and brought con­sis­ten­cy to their pop­u­lar podcast.