
Lipo­mas­sages by Marlen

Project components:


Brand iden­ti­ty design

Rack card and mar­ket­ing content

Social media graphics

Our client, Lipo­mas­sages by Marlen, is a lead­ing spe­cial­ist in the field of mas­sage ther­a­py, specif­i­cal­ly focus­ing on lym­phat­ic drainage and reduc­tive mas­sages. The com­pa­ny, owned and run by Marlen, has become an indus­try game-chang­er, play­ing a sig­nif­i­cant role in patients’ post-oper­a­tive recov­ery. Mar­len’s one-on-one ther­a­peu­tic approach ensures height­ened per­son­al­ized care, lead­ing to excep­tion­al results. The qual­i­ty of their ser­vices has gar­nered atten­tion nation­wide, with patients even trav­el­ing out of state to receive their unique, ben­e­fi­cial treatments.

Our Methodology

Our goal was to cre­ate a brand expe­ri­ence that visu­al­ly reflect­ed her clien­t’s expe­ri­ence when work­ing with her. In cre­at­ing the brand­ing for Lipo­mas­sages by Marlen, our design approach was deeply root­ed in the themes of heal­ing, con­fi­dence, and self-love. We care­ful­ly select­ed a col­or palette that not only res­onates with the heal­ing process but also exudes a sense of con­fi­dence. The soft low-chro­ma tones chan­nel a ther­a­peu­tic and serene feel­ing to reflect a sooth­ing recov­ery jour­ney. We paired these with vibrant hues that inspire con­fi­dence and pos­i­tiv­i­ty, reflect­ing on clients’ results after their ses­sions. The col­ors and design ele­ments evoke a sense of self-love, mir­ror­ing Mar­len’s ded­i­ca­tion to per­son­al­ized, one-on-one patient care.