
Adobe Live

Behance Live

Project components:

Brand design

Pack­age design

Loft­beeze is a hypo­thet­i­cal brand designed dur­ing an Adobe Live/Behance Live at the Adobe stu­dios in San Fran­cis­co. The con­cept was built on the idea of sus­tain­able prac­tices around bee­keep­ing in high­ly pop­u­lat­ed areas. The hives would be placed on build­ing rooftops along with some green­ery, and local bee­keep­ers would har­vest the hon­ey.

Dur­ing the seg­ment, we designed the brand iden­ti­ty inspired by a drip­ping hon­ey­comb paired with a mod­ern yet organ­ic type­face. After the live seg­ment, we designed pack­ag­ing for this brand iden­ti­ty and used it as a gift for our clients at Adobe. The pack­ag­ing has ingre­di­ents that nudge the tools used dur­ing the seg­ment, includ­ing Illus­tra­tor, Adobe Spark Page, Adobe Express (for­mer­ly Adobe Spark Post) and Photoshop.