
The Asso­ci­a­tion of Mil­i­tary Spouse Entre­pre­neurs (AMSE)

Project components:

Cus­tom illustrations

Cov­er design

The Asso­ci­a­tion of Mil­i­tary Spouse Entre­pre­neurs (AMSE) has part­nered with Stars and Stripes to bring you the Mil­i­tary Spouse Entre­pre­neur Guide, a quar­ter­ly pub­li­ca­tion that has made waves in the mil­i­tary com­mu­ni­ty. This guide is dis­trib­uted glob­al­ly with 80,000 print­ed copies and receives over 1 mil­lion dig­i­tal hits. Designed to inspire and enable mil­i­tary spous­es to take con­trol of their careers, the guide fea­tures a direc­to­ry with over 900 mil­i­tary spouse-owned busi­ness­es, as well as tools and resources that explain why and how to start your own busi­ness. It also high­lights mil­i­tary spous­es that are mak­ing strides in entre­pre­neur­ship, giv­ing read­ers an inside look into how they can turn their aspi­ra­tions into reality. 

Our Methodology

As mil­i­tary spous­es, the path to entre­pre­neur­ship can be marked by var­i­ous chal­lenges. It can be a daunt­ing jour­ney from fre­quent relo­ca­tion to the eco­nom­ic impact of mil­i­tary life. That’s why we sought to cre­ate cus­tom illus­tra­tions that accu­rate­ly depict mil­i­tary spous­es strug­gles. In cre­at­ing these illus­tra­tions, we pri­or­i­tized inclu­sion, ensur­ing that diver­si­ty was rep­re­sent­ed in every aspect. Along with the dif­fer­ent chal­lenges, we also includ­ed infor­ma­tive sta­tis­tics and insights that could help mil­i­tary spous­es take con­trol of their careers. Our objec­tive was to demon­strate our under­stand­ing of the unique cir­cum­stances that mil­i­tary spous­es encounter on their entre­pre­neur­ial jour­ney. With these illus­tra­tions and cov­er design, our goal was to sup­port AMSE’s mis­sion and inspire indi­vid­u­als with­in the mil­i­tary spouse com­mu­ni­ty to pur­sue their dreams confidently.