Offeraki Branding by Nicte Creative Design



Project components:

Brand­mark and iden­ti­ty system

Brand strat­e­gy

Bilin­gual mes­sag­ing
Col­or psy­chol­o­gy
Brand guide­lines
Illus­tra­tions and iconography

App inter­face design

Social media templates

Web­site design

Cre­ative direction


Ford­Mo­men­tum! (mes­sage mapping)

Offer­a­ki is the only mobile cul­tur­al mer­ca­do ded­i­cat­ed to Lati­no and His­pan­ic users in the U.S. The app was cre­at­ed to pro­vide a safe space for buy­ing and sell­ing prod­ucts that reflect our community’s cul­ture and energy—no mat­ter our lan­guage needs.

Our Methodology

With a pur­chas­ing pow­er of $1.9 tril­lion, the His­pan­ic com­mu­ni­ty is the largest minor­i­ty mar­ket in the Unit­ed States, yet we lack tech tools tai­lored to Lati­nos and His­pan­ics. No place felt like our casa because of lim­it­ed lan­guage sup­port and cul­tur­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion.

Offer­a­ki reached out to us because of our abil­i­ty to accen­tu­ate and cel­e­brate cul­ture through our brand­ing and design work. Our goal was to design a brand strat­e­gy that cre­at­ed an empha­sis on our vibran­cy and cul­tur­al needs and became more than just a trans­ac­tion­al exchange. Every ele­ment of the Offer­a­ki brand­ing is intentional—even the inter­ac­tion design among buyers/sellers with­in the app.

Branding with cultura

We trans­lat­ed Offer­ak­i’s brand essence into visu­al lan­guage and cul­tur­al con­text, rep­re­sent­ing our diverse com­mu­ni­ty through col­ors, cus­tom icons, and illus­tra­tions. And to help our clients man­age every aspect of their brand, we designed a 50+ page com­pre­hen­sive brand guide­lines with brand lan­guages, brand­mark appli­ca­tion exam­ples, audi­ence empa­thy map­ping, touch­points, assets man­age­ment, pho­tog­ra­phy and illus­tra­tion use, tem­plate man­age­ment, and more.

Website and Social Media Templates

Offer­a­ki is a brand that places a large empha­sis on social media to reach its audi­ence. As such, we knew that design­ing cus­tom tem­plates using Adobe Express was essen­tial so they could main­tain brand integri­ty and man­age the tem­plates easily. 

We also want­ed to make sure that the web­site was mul­ti­lin­gual, so we took care to include infor­ma­tion in Eng­lish and Span­ish. The end result is a web­site that is both infor­ma­tive and visu­al­ly appeal­ing. Offer­a­ki can now reach a wider audi­ence than ever before, and we are proud to have played a part in their success.