OHIP In Motion Publication Redesign by Nicte Creative Design



Project components:

News­pa­per redesign

Cul­tur­al her­itage design elements

The OST/South Union Health Improve­ment Part­ner­ship (OHIP) is an orga­ni­za­tion that uses its phys­i­cal and spir­i­tu­al resources to care for one anoth­er to impact the hearts and health of its com­mu­ni­ty.

Ford­Mo­men­tum! reached out to us to infuse and cel­e­brate the com­mu­ni­ty’s her­itage in redesign­ing their clien­t’s newslet­ter. It was impor­tant that the OHIP In Motion pub­li­ca­tion redesign reflect­ed OHIP’s mis­sion and expressed a sense of belong­ing to its community.

Our Methodology

Our redesign was heav­i­ly influ­enced by a five-pil­lar method­ol­o­gy devel­oped by Ford­Mo­men­tum! called Stan­dard of LOVE (STOLO). Each of these pil­lars reflect the val­ue behind how we con­nect peo­ple to brands through lit­er­a­cy, val­ues, self-esteem, eco­nom­ic pow­er, and justice. 

We applied hues that cre­at­ed a sense of belong­ing, health, trust, and wis­dom. And at the same time, we con­nect­ed to the African roots and her­itage through our col­ors. We con­nect­ed every ele­ment from the tex­tures in the typog­ra­phy to pulling inspi­ra­tion from African tex­tile pat­terns and even ensur­ing that the images we used rep­re­sent­ed a con­nect­ed and thriv­ing com­mu­ni­ty. The result was this epic OHIP In Motion pub­li­ca­tion redesign!