One Earth Branded Template examples made in Adobe Express


One Earth

Project components:

Brand audit and strategy

Social media tem­plate designs using Adobe Express

Email cam­paign templates

We were priv­i­leged to work on a project for One Earth, a glob­al non-prof­it ded­i­cat­ed to solv­ing the cli­mate cri­sis. One Earth­’s unwa­ver­ing opti­mism is fueled by three foun­da­tion­al pil­lars of action — ground­break­ing sci­ence, com­mu­ni­ty-led action, and cli­mate phil­an­thropy. As part of their mis­sion to make a pos­i­tive impact, we worked close­ly with their mar­ket­ing team to cre­ate brand­ed tem­plates to help them tell their sto­ry and com­mu­ni­cate their con­ser­va­tion efforts more effectively.

Our Methodology

At the heart of our process was a brand audit that allowed us to ful­ly immerse our­selves in One Earth­’s mis­sion and bet­ter under­stand how they com­mu­ni­cate with their audi­ence. From there, we imple­ment­ed a focused brand strat­e­gy that was designed to max­i­mize the impact of the tem­plates we designed. By ana­lyz­ing their com­mu­ni­ca­tion across var­i­ous plat­forms, includ­ing their web­site, social media, and emails, we iden­ti­fied areas where their mes­sag­ing could be strength­ened and gaps in their cur­rent tem­plates. Our approach not only pro­vid­ed strate­gic use of their tem­plates, but we also found solu­tions to some of their exist­ing prob­lems they had­n’t been able to implement.

The templates in use

We designed these tem­plates on Adobe Express and pro­vid­ed the team with train­ing and resources on how to get start­ed and how to use and access their tem­plates. This project was made pos­si­ble thanks to the col­lab­o­ra­tion with Adobe Express.