Petra Rolander branding by Nicte Creative Design


Petra Rolan­der

Project components:

Brand­mark and submarks

Brand iden­ti­ty sys­tem design



Petra Rolan­der pro­vides strate­gic, gen­er­ous, ener­getic guid­ance to those that strug­gle to find their call­ing or even clar­i­ty in their vision. We dis­cov­ered her great pas­sion for help­ing entre­pre­neurs who strug­gle to chan­nel their poten­tial to achieve high-val­ue results in get­ting to know Petra. Her direc­tion is struc­tured. She acti­vates empow­er­ment and change to those seri­ous about tak­ing their lives to anoth­er level. 

Our Methodology

The core foun­da­tion of Petra’s process is lis­ten­ing to oth­ers and help­ing them devel­op fierce con­fi­dence to own their exper­tise. For the Petra Rolan­der brand­ing project, we pulled in a myth­i­cal con­nec­tion to a lion-inspired icon known as Aslan — the one true king of the world of Nar­nia. Aslan, like all lions, por­trays a sym­bol­ism of wis­dom, lead­er­ship, pow­er, and being respect­ed by oth­ers. A lion always stands tall, hold­ing poise and com­po­sure. These are vital char­ac­ter­is­tics that Petra need­ed to com­mu­ni­cate in her busi­ness to attract clients ready to build a sol­id foun­da­tion that would lead to con­fi­dence and results.

The shape of the icon is a mix­ture between an R, a speech bub­ble, and a sub­tle con­nec­tion to her being an empow­er­ing and con­fi­dent woman. The speech bub­ble con­nects to a part of her process that involves her coach­ing, not just talk­ing.

The typog­ra­phy imple­ment­ed a clean and leg­i­ble approach inspired by a Scan­di­na­vian design approach. The tag line “unleash your vision” was a call to action that sym­bol­ized how Petra would help a client. Her clients are often unsure how to reach their goals and dreams. Petra knows how to unleash their vision and help them be con­fi­dent like the lion they deserve to be.