Run on a mission branding and identity design on marketing materials and apparel by Nicte Creative Designs


Run on a Mis­sion
Eddie Bosquez

Eli Brown

Project components:

Brand­mark design
Brand strat­e­gy
Col­or psy­chol­o­gy
Brand style guide

Busi­ness card


Cre­ative direction

Run on a Mis­sion (ROAM) is a brand that encour­ages schools, adults and the whole com­mu­ni­ty to par­tic­i­pate in vir­tu­al runs that raise funds for a par­tic­u­lar cause. ROAM strives to instill fun, health, and com­mu­ni­ty through­out the nation.


Our Methodology

We want­ed to com­mu­ni­cate a fun, ener­giz­ing expe­ri­ence that brought com­mu­ni­ties and fam­i­lies togeth­er through­out Run on a Mis­sion brand­ing and iden­ti­ty design. The typog­ra­phy had ele­ments of dig­i­tal type­faces to con­nect to the con­cept of vir­tu­al runs, but we also need­ed to include a sense of move­ment and action. The words “On a Mis­sion” use a dif­fer­ent font so that “RUN” empha­sizes the action. The icon cre­at­ed is a sym­bol that incor­po­rates an R and a styl­ized sym­bol of a per­son run­ning. The shapes in the icon sup­port fun and action-for­ward feel­ing. This icon has a bal­ance of sim­ple yet clear­ly defin­ing the under­ly­ing inten­tion of ROAM.

We used bold and ener­giz­ing col­ors that cre­at­ed a bal­ance of fun, strength, and con­fi­dence. The addi­tion of char­treuse brought the fun emo­tions yel­low hues cre­ate, and it also pulls on nature’s con­nec­tion through the green shades. Since all the events that Run on a Mis­sion con­duct are out­doors, we need­ed to have bold col­ors that stand out in out­door environments.