
Shear Bril­liance

Project components:



Busi­ness cards

Store sign

At the heart of bou­tique salons is a com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing a client-focused expe­ri­ence — some­thing that Shear Bril­liance by Cedar effort­less­ly embod­ies. Nes­tled in Wichi­ta, Kansas, this full-ser­vice salon exudes warmth and open­ness, cre­at­ing a wel­com­ing ambiance for all clients. Cedar, the own­er, is a mas­ter at her craft, spe­cial­iz­ing in a range of ser­vices from col­or­ing and cut­ting to perming, facial wax­ing, acrylic nail treat­ments, and manicuring.

Our Methodology

When devel­op­ing the brand­ing for Shear Bril­liance, we sought to cap­ture the essence of this high-end bou­tique expe­ri­ence and trans­late it into a visu­al form. The brand­mark incor­po­rates a “cut” in the type as a nod to Cedar’s exper­tise in hair­cuts, while del­i­cate let­ter­forms add a touch of sophis­ti­ca­tion. To cre­ate depth in the designs and echo the salon’s inte­ri­or, we incor­po­rat­ed tex­tures through­out the designs. Our mis­sion was to craft a brand iden­ti­ty that not only stood out as a bou­tique salon but also felt approach­able and high-end, mir­ror­ing the excep­tion­al expe­ri­ence that Shear Bril­liance offers its clients.