Vanessa Vasquez Social Media Design graphic and templates by Nicte Creative Design


Van­nes­sa Vasquez

Project components:

Cus­tom illustrations

Insta­gram con­tent design

Insta­gram tem­plate designs

Vanes­sa Vasquez is an Emmy-nom­i­nat­ed Mex­i­can-Amer­i­can actress, activist, pro­duc­er, and direc­tor. She’s known for her work as “Cami­la” in the orig­i­nal Hulu series: East Los High, The Brave, and The Fix.

Vanes­sa knew that she want­ed to use her social media plat­forms as an oppor­tu­ni­ty for cre­ativ­i­ty and self-expres­sion while rais­ing aware­ness about wom­en’s empow­er­ment, men­tal health advo­ca­cy, and updates on new movies or her past films. To do that, she need­ed a social media design that cap­tured her pas­sion and inspirations. 

Our Methodology

We devel­oped a series of tem­plates that embraced her empow­ered, bold Lati­na pres­ence. We used shock­ing pink and majes­tic pur­ple as our ground­ing col­ors to sig­ni­fy fierce con­fi­dence and women empow­er­ment. Plus, these hues con­nect­ed to her soror­i­ty Sig­ma Lamb­da Gam­ma.

With a series of cus­tom illus­tra­tions, we cre­at­ed a ref­er­ence to the sub­ject of her con­tent. Geor­gia O’ke­effe inspired one of our more promi­nent illus­tra­tions to rep­re­sent wom­en’s empow­er­ment. Each social media design was cre­at­ed to be infor­ma­tive and func­tion as a con­ver­sa­tion piece.