Brand Continuity Workbook For Businesses


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Brand Continuity Workbook For Businesses


The more clarity you develop within your brand, the less complicated it becomes to manage it. And the easier it is for your ideal audience to identify, connect with, and build trust in it. The Brand Continuity Workbook is a brand evolution tool that will help you identify the most fundamental elements of your brand identity in an intentional, strategic way so that you can easily implement them and employ the full power of brand continuity for your business. 

**Your purchase is for a Single User License Agreement** This license provides access to all the downloadable resources included with this Brand Continuity Workbook and can only be viewed and used by one person. A Single User License does not allow any part of this product/workbook, or its materials, to be shared with another person. If you are interested in purchasing a group license (e.g. for your team) or have questions about this licensing agreement, please email


  • 30 inter­ac­tive pages in 1 easy download
  • 9 editable brand con­ti­nu­ity plan­ning worksheets 
  • Visu­al exam­ples of real, suc­cess­ful brands
  • Editable brand guide­lines tem­plates (Keynote and Powerpoint)
  • Get­ting Start­ed’ video introduction
  • Bonus videos and addi­tion­al e‑books inside

The Brand Con­ti­nu­ity Work­book is an easy-to-apply guide that helps you cre­ate con­sis­ten­cy across your brand com­mu­ni­ca­tions, on mul­ti­ple plat­forms, and amongst your own team.

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