Color Trends Online Course


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Col­or Trends Course on LinkedIn Learn­ing

Col­or is a deeply root­ed form of communication—a uni­ver­sal lan­guage that can be under­stood 60,000 times faster than text alone. Lever­aged the right way, col­or can elic­it pos­i­tive emo­tions and asso­ci­a­tions that oth­er imagery can­not. Brands are embrac­ing more use of col­or in their cam­paigns, and know­ing how and when to use these will keep you on top of your design game. In this course, design­er and brand strate­gist Nicte Cuevas shares how you can use the Pan­tone col­or of the year—Clas­sic Blue—and oth­er col­or trends to engage your audi­ence. Learn how to under­stand the emo­tion­al trig­gers behind the col­or trends, iden­ti­fy what hues work well togeth­er, what indus­tries are best suit­ed for the lat­est trends and why, and how to incor­po­rate new col­ors in your designs.



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