Define Your Ideal Client using Empathy Mapping


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Define Your Ideal Client using Empathy Mapping


If we sell to the world, we sell to no one. When people feel like you truly take the time to understand their needs and frustrations, you are bound to give your clients a more enriching and memorable experience.

Determining your ideal client can feel like an odd process, but you must push through! Not only does this save you a lot of time, since you know who you are speaking to, but it will also allow you to gain a deeper understanding about your ideal client's needs. And we're talking about real people here! Not made up imaginary unicorn-avatars posing as humans.

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Learn how to TRULY understand your ideal client with the help of empathy mapping


  • Why you should cre­ate an ide­al client based on a real per­son not avatars
  • Strate­gies to help you gain a deep­er under­stand­ing of their pain points through what they say
  • How empa­thy map­ping will help you improve your mar­ket­ing efforts
  • How to imple­ment what you learned to make your ide­al clients feel tru­ly understood
  • Why you should also cre­ate a red-flag client

This 12-page work­book also includes insight on how to go about this process of dis­cov­ery and def­i­n­i­tion. And is deliv­ered with two editable worksheets.


  • You are ready to attract your ide­al clients
  • You are a busi­ness seri­ous about grow­ing your brand
  • You want to learn how to cap­ti­vate your audi­ence by show­ing you under­stand them
  • You are a busi­ness seri­ous about grow­ing your brand


  • You expect to see results in one week
  • You don’t want to put in a con­scious effort
  • You think work­sheets and plan­ning are boring