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Houston zoo Zoobilee Event mailer



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Each year the Mem­ber­ship depart­ment at the Hous­ton Zoo hosts an annu­al mem­ber­ship appre­ci­a­tion par­ty. In 2010, the theme evolved around a safari with a splash of adven­ture. Although the theme was safari-ori­ent­ed, the depart­ment need­ed the design to have a unique approach that incor­po­rat­ed ani­mals. The solu­tion includ­ed an illus­trat­ed lion rep­re­sent­ing the icon of courage, and the ever-curi­ous but­ter­fly that sym­bol­izes an explorer.

View Full Project



Post­card mail­er, pass­port book, event map, ban­ners, and tent signage.






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Designed while at the Hous­ton Zoo




