7 Tips for Low-Stress Seasonal Branding

The hol­i­day sea­son is full of joy and excite­ment — par­ties, time with fam­i­ly, and hon­or­ing long-held tra­di­tions. But, it can also feel incred­i­bly over­whelm­ing. Par­tic­i­pat­ing in 3 months of cel­e­bra­tions can lead to burnout fast! 

The same is true for brands. Dur­ing the hol­i­days, cus­tomers are primed to buy. The hol­i­day sea­son offers brands a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to cap­i­tal­ize on the sale of their prod­ucts and ser­vices. This can also be incred­i­bly over­whelm­ing for small busi­ness­es. Cre­at­ing hol­i­day cam­paigns takes a lot of extra time, ener­gy, and effort. 

7 Tips for Low-Stress Seasonal Branding by Nicte Creative Design

But what if you could work smarter, not hard­er, this hol­i­day sea­son? We always want to help you avoid con­tent cre­ation over­whelm, and we think it is espe­cial­ly impor­tant dur­ing the hol­i­day season. 

We have 7 tips to help! 

7 tips for low-stress seasonal branding.

1. Be Honest About Your Capacity

It’s ok if you can’t run a Black Fri­day, Cyber Mon­day, Christ­mas, and New Year’s sale. Decide what type of sale and tim­ing would have the biggest impact, and focus your resources on that. 

2. Make a Plan

Once you have iden­ti­fied the hol­i­days you will be cre­at­ing con­tent for, you can nar­row down what type of designs you will need (social media, newslet­ter, ads, etc.). 

3.Keep Holiday Campaigns Aligned With Your Brand

Don’t cre­ate hol­i­day posts or cam­paigns just for the sake of cre­at­ing them. Make sure they are aligned with your brand mes­sag­ing. Brand con­ti­nu­ity mat­ters dur­ing the hol­i­days too! Per­haps run­ning a hol­i­day sale doesn’t make sense for your brand. Maybe a mes­sage of giv­ing feels more brand-aligned, so you donate to a Giv­ing Tues­day cam­paign instead.

Before you cre­ate any hol­i­day con­tent, get clear on your pur­pose. You can start with a sim­ple list, like con­tent buck­ets that reflect the type of con­tent that you can share relat­ed to your prod­ucts or ser­vices. Next, you want to define who you are try­ing to reach and how your prod­ucts or ser­vices will help them. You should be able to draw a clear line from your hol­i­day mes­sag­ing to your ide­al customer. 

7 Tips for Low-Stress Seasonal Branding by Nicte Creative Design

4. Create Custom Branded Templates 

Cre­ate brand­ed tem­plates ahead of the sea­son so you can be inten­tion­al about con­tent, stay on brand, and speed up your con­tent cre­ation work­flow. We design tem­plates for our­selves and our clients using Adobe Express. It’s effort­less to use and doesn’t require them to learn Illus­tra­tor or Inde­sign. Adobe Express will help you main­tain brand integri­ty and take com­plete con­trol over your brand­ed content. 

If you want to learn more about how to lever­age cus­tom tem­plates for your brand, check out this blog. And if you need some inspi­ra­tion, check out Adobe Express’s free hol­i­day templates. 

7 Tips for Low-Stress Seasonal Branding by Nicte Creative Design

5.Use Color To Your Advantage

Dur­ing the hol­i­days, use the col­ors red, green, white, gold, and blue to your advan­tage. It’s also a good idea to use a spe­cif­ic col­or for your call-to-action but­tons or text to dri­ve atten­tion and grab clicks. 

If you have an audi­ence who may not cel­e­brate Christ­mas, lever­age gold and blue hues to con­nect and still cre­ate a hol­i­day feel. You can learn more about how to lever­age col­or for your hol­i­day adver­tis­ing in this blog

7 Tips for Low-Stress Seasonal Branding by Nicte Creative Design

6. Create Content for the Right Platform 

Make sure to take a look at your ana­lyt­ics and insights to see what con­tent has per­formed best. That way, you can build your hol­i­day con­tent around things you know have con­nect­ed with your audi­ence in the past. 

Mar­ket­ing with empa­thy helps keep us from com­ing across as pure sales­peo­ple. If you need some help cre­at­ing con­tent for your audi­ence, be sure to check out our ebook: Define and Under­stand Your Ide­al Client with Empa­thy Mapping. 

7. Schedule Your Campaigns in Advance

The hol­i­days are incred­i­bly busy, but they should also be a time for rest and relax­ation. You don’t want to spend your Christ­mas plan­ning your New Year’s sale! Plan ahead, cre­ate your con­tent, and sched­ule in advance so you can be as hands-off as possible. 

We love using Plan­nThat to plan and sched­ule con­tent on Insta­gram, LinkedIn, Face­book, and Pin­ter­est. You can cre­ate a cohe­sive feed or fold­ers with your media files, and even devel­op a col­or-cod­ed con­tent strat­e­gy along with hash­tag sets. It makes hol­i­day sched­ul­ing quick and easy.

The hol­i­days real­ly are a mag­i­cal time of the year. Don’t let the stress of con­tent cre­ation steal your joy. With these tips and resources, you can cre­ate hol­i­day con­tent for your brand and still have time to enjoy your favorite things about the season. 

Have any oth­er tips for hol­i­day con­tent cre­ation? Share in the comments! 

*This post con­tains some affil­i­ate links, mean­ing that if you choose to make a pur­chase through our links, we get  a com­mis­sion at no cost to you.

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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