How To Look Your Best on a Zoom Meeting

Now that Zoom meet­ings have become a pri­ma­ry way we do busi­ness, it’s impor­tant how we present our­selves —and our brand—online.

How to Look Your Best on Zoom Meetings

Just like the right info can make or break your pre­sen­ta­tion, which we cov­ered in 7 Tips to Cre­ate Pow­er­ful Keynote Slide Decks,  now we’re focus­ing on how to enhance the pre­sen­ter on a Zoom Meet­ing. What we have to tell you also applies oth­er for­mats like Face­Time, Google Hang­outs, and Skype!

How to look your best on a Zoom Meeting

Whether you find Zoom meet­ings be a breeze or they make you want to crawl under the table, we reveal lit­tle things that will make a big dif­fer­ence in your con­fi­dence – and up your best!  Even the most sea­soned online par­tic­i­pant will find a few of our tips to employ right away, like:

  • How to look and act to keep the empha­sis on what you’ve got to say
  • What to do if your kids or your pet intervene
  • What works for your back­ground— and what doesn’t

In the video below we talk basic Do’s and Don’ts as well as how to best project your own per­son­al brand while main­tain­ing and even build­ing brand con­ti­nu­ity for your busi­ness!  Ready to get started?

So don’t let this medi­um get in the way of your tal­ents and per­son­al­i­ty — or your brand. There’s much more in the video but here’s the skin­ny on some of my key points:

1. How to Look Good on Zoom

When you look wrong, that’s all peo­ple see… but when you look right, they focus on what you’re contributing.

  • Look the way your col­leagues would expect to see you on a typ­i­cal day at work.
  • If it’s a job inter­view, or you’re pre­sent­ing, dress to impress with­in the “uni­form” of your field.
  • Think of clothes and hair as the frame to your face (the focus), and min­i­mize dis­tract­ing bolds — in col­ors, prints, make up or jew­el­ry — unless that is your brand.
  • In a pinch? Be sure your hair at least works front, and keep a dark sol­id sweater/jacket with a nice neck­line hang­ing some­where to grab –and you’re good to go!

2. Lights, Framing, Background 

Fifty per­cent or more of how you’re per­ceived has to do with these three! All it takes is a wee invest­ment of time to test these out, but once you get it right, you’re golden!

  • Light your­self head on, not from above, below or the side — whether uti­liz­ing a win­dow or a com­mon desk lamp. Wear glass­es? Check for light reflec­tion (block­ing your all-impor­tant eyes) or shad­ows cast from them on your cheeks. All can be fixed by repo­si­tion­ing your light source.
  • Be cen­tered in the frame, from just below the shoul­ders and up — not show­ing all ceil­ing, or being too close/too far away on screen.
  • Set a neat, neu­tral back­ground to keep the focus on you. But — it can be used to enhance your brand by using a graph­ic, logo or appro­pri­ate items like books, art or fam­i­ly pho­tos, which tell view­ers some­thing good about you.
  • If pos­si­ble, keep a “meet­ing” area, with your back­ground and light­ing set some­where in your house, so all you need to do is sit down.
  • Use Zoom Pre­view to check and adjust all the above before the meet­ing starts!

3. Body Language Do’s and Don’ts

It’s easy to for­get we’re still being seen when we’re not the one talk­ing. Be present and pro­fes­sion­al even if you are one of many in an online meeting.

  • Don’t fid­get with hair, piv­ot in your chair, eat, get up and pace or leave, let your cat walk across your lap­top. Stay conscious.
  • Do look right into the cam­era when you’re talk­ing, even if it feels unnat­ur­al, rather than look­ing down at the face of those on the screen.
  • Don’t ges­ture wild­ly when you speak. If that’s part of you, be aware of how close your hands come to the lens and how dis­tract­ing they can be!
  • Do take a quick glance at oth­ers when some­one else is speak­ing to pick up clues about how they are react­ing to the material.
  • Do plan to min­i­mize inter­ac­tion with kids and pets, but if it’s inevitable, make ONE dis­claimer up front, and no more.

There’s more in the video but hope­ful­ly these tips show you how eas­i­ly you can turn every Zoom meet­ing into an oppor­tu­ni­ty instead of an obsta­cle by apply­ing these sim­ple practices. 

This blog was writ­ten by Rochelle Joseph, who helps peo­ple look, feel and per­form their best every day — and also hap­pens to have joined the team at NCD over 7 years ago! 

Called the Styl­ist to the Stars, Image and Mar­ket­ing Con­sul­tant Rochelle has dressed tal­ent on CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, HBO, Martha Stew­art, The Food Net­work, PBS, ESPN, Show­time, FX, V‑66, MTV, Broad­way and all talk and red car­pet award shows… work­ing in Hol­ly­wood and New York City with celebri­ties such as Leonar­do DiCaprio, Philip Sey­mour Hoff­man, Paul Gia­mat­ti, Kim Cat­trall, Madon­na, Bob­by Flay, Denis Leary and Mario Cantone. 

About the Author

As Marketing Consultant, Rochelle brings the element of written media to NCD’s branding process, creating the link between the design that connects emotionally with your clients and the message that embodies the intention. Her extensive background in entertainment and media, working with all the major television, cable and radio stations across the country for over 20 years, fuels her ability to craft messages that appeal to each unique market.

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  1. Excep­tion­al­ly use­ful hint and tips, par­tic­u­lar­ly about adjust­ing the light­ing and “Touch Up My Appear­ance” fea­tures, and how to make back­grounds worked better. 

    Well worth the time and atten­tion — thanks Rochelle and Nicte!

  2. I got to know some amaz­ing tips from your blog regard­ing attend­ing zoom meet­ings. I will def­i­nite­ly keep them in mind while attend­ing my next meet­ing, espe­cial­ly the body lan­guage one.

    1. Thank you for shar­ing your expe­ri­ence, Ele­na! Rochelle gave us some pow­er­ful tips that are still rel­e­vant for our Zoom meetings.

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