Liven Up Fall Graphics with Pantone’s Living Coral

Engage your audi­ence using Pantone’s Liv­ing Coral to bright­en your sea­son­al graphics.

Liven Up Fall Graphics with Pantone's Living Coral

Fall kicks off so many excit­ing needs for design. Instead of doing the same old same old brick, rust, and pump­kin col­ors, why not incor­po­rate some­thing dif­fer­ent to bright­en them up: Liv­ing Coral, Pantone’s Col­or of the Year

Liven up fall graphics with pantone’s living coral

1. Grab Attention

Catch your cus­tomers eye as this season’s ads, posts and mail­ers ramp up — and have them respond to YOURS! Liv­ing Coral is a hue that pops, yet works well with autum­nal col­ors to real­ly enliv­en your designs. Nei­ther tra­di­tion­al (pump­kin) or trendy (neon orange), Liv­ing Coral appeal­ing­ly strad­dles the mid­dle! Try it any­where you’d choose orange, on it’s own, as a high­light or to com­pli­ment the yel­lows, greens, browns and black you’re like­ly using this time of year.

2. Get Inspired

Anoth­er way to make your Fall graph­ics appeal­ing is to try new Apps and tem­plates. We use Adobe Spark a lot because it’s easy and it can be done on the go.  Last year Nicte shared a video show­ing how to cre­ate a hol­i­day graph­ic which you might find help­ful. And here’s anoth­er tuto­r­i­al to inspire some ideas! 

3. Unlimited Uses 

Liv­ing Coral will work for all the Fall graph­ics you need to cre­ate, whether for your­self, your busi­ness or your clients! Pic­ture this:

  • Retail sale signage
  • Web ban­ners, Social Media visuals 
  • Pow­er­point pre­sen­ta­tions and Annu­al Reports
  • Prod­uct labels, inserts, packaging
  • Back to school needs, kids parties
  • Busi­ness fliers and brochures
  • Event pro­grams, signs, table tents and giveaways
  • Wed­dings

Also, look for cre­ative ways Liv­ing Coral can be worked in to upcom­ing win­ter hol­i­days as an accent col­or for added pizazz! 

4. Max Out Your Fall Graphics!

Down­load my FREE 2019 Annu­al Col­or Guide to get the skin­ny at a glance on col­or palettes it work with Liv­ing Coral and spe­cif­ic busi­ness­es, ser­vices or prod­ucts that may have the most use for it. And, you can read more about the col­or on the NCD blog.

Living Coral: A Hue To Liven Up Your Marketing, Living Coral, Pantone, Pantone Color of the year, color theory, color tips for marketing, color tips for branding, color tips, color

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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