Engaging your audience is as as much a professional skill as the work you do. That means not just getting your services or product out to a demographic or trying to build a client base, but actually affecting them — and better, having them respond!
Engaging your audience on social media
Great Social Media Marketing is a Two-Way Street
Social Media is a powerful tool, especially for engaging your audience. Posting graphics, tips, pitches and promos are vital, but are statements that lead to one-way communication. Go to the next level and pepper those posts with ones that meaningfully engage with and grow your audience. But how, you ask?
Cut through the clutter and start engaging your audience.
Since holidays are always a content opportunity and Mother’s Day is this month, we’ll use it for an example.
1. Stop Viewers from Scrolling Past
Grabbing their attention is the first step to engagement. A powerful visual is the key. Take a look at the IGTV tutorial we created for our client Adobe Express (formerly Adobe Spark) on How To Make an Easy Mother’s Day Graphic.
2. Give Something of Value
Now that you have their attention, share tools, videos, tips, even your own relatable professional experiences. This is a way to break through the screen so to speak, and affect your viewer more than other posts. Share your own Mothers Day thoughts or the NCD tutorial linked above and encourage people to come back to post their graphic in your comments!
3. Ask a Question at the End of Your Post
But what is going to coax an actual reply? Something something that will strike a chord at a deeper level.. whether it’s too fun or meaningful not to speak up! Think about this to find ideas: We all mother in some way. Whether male or female, we each nurture, create, support, teach, feed, coach, provide. Whether it’s our own family or friends kids, our fur babies, elders, a charitable cause or community project, we all mother. Asking something that touches that in your reader WILL engage comments, like:
- What is the thing your mother taught you that you want to share?
- What ways do you mother in your own life?
- How do you honor your mom?
- What was something really funny your mom did?
Share, Engage, Cultivate!
Like any successful relationship, social media marketing works best as a two-way street. So go for it! You can begin to develop this skill starting now while the information is fresh. Cultivate those relationships as part of your brand with a Mother’s Day post and perhaps sharing my tutorial with them. Then ask them a connective question, and see what happens!
You can get even more mileage out of a holiday post by spread out through the week, asking different questions between now and May 15.
We’d love to hear in the comments below how you did. Or any questions.
If you’d like to do a brainstorming session on how to come up with more engaging content, or coaching on how to develop relationships through Social Media Marketing, please CONTACT us!