Marketing to Women is Not About Using Pink

Stereo­typ­ing is long gone. 

Mar­ket­ing to Women has cer­tain­ly changed through­out time. Most women no longer dream of pink dress­es and decor as they may have in the 1950’s. The days when baby girls were iden­ti­fied sole­ly by pink is fad­ing in our rear view mir­ror.  Now pink is a love­ly col­or, with lots of great hues. And there are some very effec­tive ways to use it.

Marketing to Women is Not About Using Pink by Nicte Creative Design

But today, women want to be treat­ed as indi­vid­u­als, not stereo­typed or gen­er­al­ized. Smart com­pa­nies have noticed and are incor­po­rat­ing that into their cam­paigns, as in the US, women hold a pur­chase pow­er of up to 15 tril­lion dol­lars! So it’s impor­tant to under­stand and apply this aware­ness to suc­cess­ful­ly engage women in your marketing.

91% of Women feel advertisers don't understand them

Marketing to woman is Not about using pink

1. Pink is Not For Every Woman

There are excep­tions, of course. Per­haps your brand or prod­uct is inten­tion­al­ly using pink to align with a cause or direc­tive. An exam­ple that springs to most minds is The Susan G. Komen Foun­da­tion, proof that they’ve done an amaz­ing job rais­ing aware­ness for breast can­cer with a spe­cif­ic pink col­or val­ue. It’s been so well uti­lized through their mar­ket­ing efforts  that it con­nects to not only females but males, as many men now wear pink in support. 

This is a fan­tas­tic exam­ple of match­ing the col­or to an inten­tion and using it prop­er­ly. The col­or grabs atten­tion but push­es past gen­der speci­fici­ty to become uni­ver­sal­ly effective.

2. Avoid Negative Associations 

Be aware that there’s a bit of a stig­ma to con­sid­er when using pink, known as the “pink tax.”  

Every year the average woman spends an extra $1,351 because of the Pink Tax.

3. Create Compelling Content 

To suc­cess­ful­ly mar­ket to women, it’s impor­tant to focus on where they’re spend­ing their time online (for social media, it’s most­ly Face­book, Insta­gram and Pin­ter­est). But the key is to cre­ate effec­tive con­tent. Instead of rely­ing on pink, uti­lize ele­ments such as a mem­o­rable spokesper­son, a relat­able mes­sage and humor! A News­Cred study says that 70% of women share con­tent that makes them laugh. And that means it grabs their atten­tion to begin with, which is everything. 

Here are three great examples: 

The Har­mon Broth­ers exem­pli­fy this. Take a gan­der at one of their bril­liant mar­ket­ing cam­paigns for the com­pa­ny PooPouri.

A well dressed woman with a prop­er British accent shares the humor behind mak­ing a trip to the bath­room and the ‘fra­grance’ that can be left behind. It’s incred­i­bly clever, hit­ting just the right note for the top­ic and prod­uct. It was wild­ly suc­cess­ful, cre­at­ing prod­uct recog­ni­tion and get­ting peo­ple to share, talk about and BUY it!

Here’s how the Har­mon Broth­ers tack­led per­son­al odors by pro­duc­ing a hilar­i­ous musi­cal about mak­ing woman — and men — smell extra fresh in a nat­ur­al way thanks to the prod­uct,  Lume deodor­ant.

To date, this gen­er­at­ed 7 mil­lion views, 30k shares and sales were up by 526%! In both videos, women were tar­get­ed, with­out stereo­typ­ing and lev­i­ty was brought to a very rec­og­niz­able but some­what taboo sub­ject. Espe­cial­ly where females are con­cerned — and sold mil­lions! Bravo!

This clever ad is for Chat­books, an app cre­at­ed for busy moth­ers. They show how real moth­er­hood is, through fun­ny scenes where moms can com­plete­ly relate. The com­ments were flood­ed by women say­ing: “How did you know!” and “This is my life!

Stel­lar! While the prod­uct cer­tain­ly fills a need — a sim­ple, afford­able solu­tion that moms would wel­come — the cam­paign also solves the inher­ent obsta­cle of moms being too busy to have ever found it if not for the atten­tion-grab­bing ads on social media. And bonus — they are so val­i­dat­ing and fun­ny that they were shared like hot­cakes, and that led to BIG sales!

4. Don’t Generalize 

So we see how impor­tant it is to under­stand your audi­ence when mar­ket­ing to women. Their cur­rent wants, needs and chal­lenges, what makes them tick, and what makes them buy. Using pink is not always the answer. There are too many fac­tors that can influ­ence how col­or is per­ceived and it’s affect on your view­er, whether it’s per­son­al, cul­tur­al, social, or emotional.

These great exam­ples make it seem almost a lit­tle sil­ly to think that mak­ing pink prod­ucts or pack­ag­ing is the fall­back to when mar­ket­ing to women, espe­cial­ly with all their buy­ing and shar­ing pow­er. You don’t need to always think pink to las­so their atten­tion. Instead, cre­ate cam­paigns that tap into the right com­bi­na­tion of ele­ments that make peo­ple want to share — which fur­ther spreads the word… and sells! 

To learn how you can har­ness the pow­er of col­or, down­load our FREE Col­or Trends Guide and max­i­mize col­or to lever­age your brand, prod­uct or service!

About the Author

Nicte Cuevas, Principal of Nicte Creative Design, empowers mission-driven businesses through strategic design & branding. Nicte has applied this when working with Adobe Spark and Twitter Business, LinkedIn Learning, Dogs on Deployment and Purina, Girl Scouts, The Houston Zoo and The Contemporary Arts Museum. Her excellence in communication design & marketing has been recognized by multiple national / international awards, including a coveted feature in Graphic Design USA's People to Watch.

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